但是有冰淇淋選擇障礙的男孩女孩們不要緊張,因為小編找到了這家開在旺角登打士街的日式雪糕店,Check in Tokoy。店內設計以黑白簡約為主,除了有最受歡迎的北海道牛奶和京都抹茶兩種口味,更有玫瑰和蘇打這樣特殊的口味喔!
||Foodie Made In HK|| – 吃貨仔????????????(@miss_fyk)張貼的相片 於 張貼
如果想要加配料,當然可以添加各式各樣的日本食材,一次也不一定只能吃一種口味。除了有雙搭口味的霜淇淋外,對於有冰淇淋口味選擇障礙的小編來說,就是想把四個口味都吃下肚啊!Check in Tokoy還真的可以讓你四個口味都吃到!
@stephanie_caoo 張貼的相片 於 張貼
What do you do when you can't make up your mind on which flavor to get? You pick the RAINBOW of traditional Japanese Soft Serve #IceCream! #???? Flavors from top to bottom: Ramune, Japanese Rose, Uji Matcha and Hokkiado Milk. #Ramune is a Japanese Soda that stands out, to me, for it's unique packaging. It has a marble in the bottle that is held in place due to the pressure in the bottle. One has to push it in to have your drink. It's taste is likened to a Lemon-lime Soda, except much lighter and… less sugary sweet (?) I love how the #SoftCream really managed to capture the flavor of the Ramune in a different form. If only they could also keep the effervescent. ???? That would be so cool! The #Rose flavor was beautifully floral and somehow delicate. I was surprised at how much I liked it. The Uji Matcha was awesome! It was wonderfully bitter, the way good #Matcha should be. Needless to say, my least favorite is the #HokkaidoMilk, but only because I never like Plain or Original flavors when having ice cream, especially not when they have much more interesting (and delicious) flavors. You can choose to have it in a cup or in a #waffle cone – Plain or Charcoal. I chose the Charcoal, of course, what other way would I have this? ???? _______________________________________________________ ????: HK$50 (approximately SG$9.10) ????: Portion B, Shop 9, 43P-43S, Dundas Street, Kowloon ????: Mongkok + 15 minutes walk ps, ???? IGers: they have backgrounds for you to take your photos of their oh-so-photogenic Soft Serve Ice Cream. Just ask them for it!
Belinda Khoo 許秀君(@thelittlechilipadi)張貼的相片 於 張貼
資料來源: http://www.ipick.com