Deveaux New York在Fall 2019 紐約時裝周被Vogue, Harper’s BAZAAR 等雜誌大幅報導,是新銳的低調奢華品牌。成為時裝設計的典範在不斷變化,磨練實用的技術當然重要,但是要在當今飽和的市場中轉變成品牌,就需要對女性市場的有充足的了解跟觀察。Deveaux New York設計師TOMMY TON 曾經是一名在米蘭跟巴黎的優秀攝影師,過去他曾經花了十年多的時間為時尚雜誌和網站拍照,培養出敏銳的眼光。
Fall 2019時裝周地點在 THE ATRIUM 9 West 8th Street, New York, NY
THE ATRIUM 9 中庭是位於曼哈頓西村的5000平方英尺的多功能場所,可以對其進行空間重新構想,並為活動的客人和/或參與者提供完全獨特的空間體驗。這個場所平時就用於時裝展覽和時裝秀 , Pop-up藝術 , 攝影畫廊跟發布會。Fall 2019 的場景,讓麻豆可以像走在街上一樣自然,在鋼琴演奏的背景音樂下穿梭互動。
Tommy Ton 不只關注於Deveaux 品牌的優勢跟暢銷產品,他們更從系列產品中尋找不同的樂趣。例如嘗試不同的服裝材質,用帶有人造羊毛皮襯裡的防水高科技面料與非結構化的派克大衣。
時裝週反映了我對人們觀看和看到他們彼此互動的熱愛。帶給人們更多省思的事要考慮表演的形式。它不僅需要直播,還可以看您邀請誰參加表演以及誰在表演服裝都可以帶來真正的改變。大部分的藝術活動跟表演,往往都是作品跟演員比較重要,但是時裝周有時觀眾比模特兒重要,像是著名雜誌編緝跟時裝博主 Aimee Song 都出席了這場時裝週。
“The show was reflective of my love of people watching and seeing them interact with each other. I think it’s important that people think about the format of their show. It takes more than simply live-streaming it to make it more relevant — who you invite to the show and who you show the clothes on makes a real difference.”BY AMY DE KLERK
Annette Chiu E-mail:
紐約小日子: 走入童話故事Caroline Hu 時裝週筆記 |Vogue 譽她為的禮服屬於奧斯卡獎
2019 Fall 看Caroline Hu 的時裝設計彷彿走入童話故事,一系列充滿動感,浪漫有點浮誇的禮服映入眼簾。在紐約充滿女性主義的氛圍,公主裙會讓時尚編輯們想到絆腳,跟需要被拯救的驕縱公主,在2019年顯得有點過時。但是Caroline Hu 的重新詮釋了浪漫禮服的定義,在不確定的時代,禮服不用務實也不用遵守紐約地鐵廣告裡的,要穿著基本服裝跟加入簡單生活訂閱計劃。(是小編整季時裝週10場秀裡面最喜歡的設計師之一)
Caroline Hu 是時裝設計科班出生,她在世界頂尖的設計學校中央聖馬丁學院(Central Saint Martins)獲得時裝設計碩士學位,並在紐約頂尖的帕森斯(Parsons)獲得時裝設計碩士學位移居紐約與丈夫結婚。Caroline Hu 外表看起來是文青內斂的女生,但是她的設計作品充滿了少女情懷,她曾告訴媒體“我一直熱愛浪漫和情感的事物,精緻的細節和紡織品。”她在帕森(Parson)的M.F.A.展示了她的研究生收藏。 2018年春季時裝秀,並繼續為Tory Burch和Jason Wu等設計師工作。
展場辦在曼哈頓獨棟私宅 218 East 25th Street ,模特兒穿著禮服邊看書跟品茶,他的禮服從遠處看很像油畫裡的畫作,近看卻很清透有層次感,疊成類似手風琴的褶皺,Hu 用10到20種織物之間分層,以產生高低起伏,就像您在油畫中看到的那樣,整場Caroline Hu 時裝周有種穿越時空的老派浪漫,讓人不想走出劇場面對現實。
Fashion PR
媒體策略 媒體與接待 社群媒體策略聯絡新聞稿撰稿人網紅邀請約客戶結案報告
Event Planning
活動規劃 活動流程安排 場地佈置 動線規劃
Model Casting
模特兒試鏡安排 模特兒卡製作 模特兒走秀順序安排 妝髮安排/服裝整理
CAROLINE HU在Fall 2019 紐約時裝周被
Caroline Hu 被Vogue Runway譽為她的禮服屬於奧斯卡獎
Is Our First Discovery of NYFW — And Her Dresses Belong at the Oscars
I intend to pursue a master’s degree in public management at Johns Hopkins University, which is my top choice because it consistency ranks among the best universities in the world. JHU offers strong academic foundations and research opportunities, particularly for foreign students. In addition, it provides a portfolio of interdisciplinary course which enables students to take courses form several departments. My choice of JHU’s MA in publics so that I can positively contribute to public policy development discourse in China and Asia. JHU’s program is attractive because it is innovative and flexible, allowing students to learn and apply academic concepts in real-world governance and policy issues. The program is rigorous and combines strategic management skills with the foundational principles of public management and administration. I intend to specialize in public policy evaluation in order to successfully achieve my career aspirations. I am also impressed by the success of JHU alumni in public managment, both in China and worldwide. Pursuing a master degree in public managment at the university will enable me to emulate the alumni by contributing to publiv policy development. My interest in public policy and managment has increased as a result of my four years of work experience in the private sector. For example, I recently worked for Fubon Finacial Holding Company as an analyst, where I helped plan and execute the business strategy and capital structuring. Another important skill set I acquired there was the research, implememtation, assessment and management of strategic investment projects. In addition, I was involved in the research and development of concepts of foreign financial markets, laws and regulations, as well as in performamce analysis of inter-industry transactions. Furthermore, I was privileged to work for Abacuse Business ComputerLLC, a New York incorporated cooperate entity, where I acquired experience and skills in business analysis, action-driven recommendations, and preparation of insights to executive leaders and managers based on the generated results. My work experience hase readied me to translate and apply the concepts of private governace in publiv entity management and public policy development. Thus pursuing a degree in public management will hone my management skills and my ability to apply private practices in public administration. I also consider myself as a perfect candidate for a masters degree in public management based on my academic background. First, I hold a bachelor degree in industrial enginerring and management from the National Tsing Hua Univerisity in China, where I passed with GPA of 3.38 out of the maximum possible 4.3 points. besides the core engineering coursed, the undergraduate program also introduced me to management and public policy units, inclyding international trade and law, industrial organization and management for global competition, and high-tech entrepreneurship. I also graduated with a MSc degree in data analytics from Fordham University, New York, in 2020. The masters degree enhanced my analytical skills by introducing me to data analytics and scripting, machine learning, algorithms and big data, cloud computing and artificial analytical skills required to formulate data- driven public policy. Hence, the analytical abilities will enable me to translate insights derived from data science into practical knowledge that will inform public policy development.
I aspire to pursure and graduate with an MA degree in public policy from JHU, which I believe will enhance my ability and skill to contribute to public policy and management. My work experience in the private sector hase prepared me well to contribute to public governace. Furthermore, my academic journey has honed my analytical abilited which are critical to public policy formulation. As a result, my profile makes me perfect fit for MA in public management.
A Memorandum is Not Written to Inform the Reader, but to Protect the Writer
A Memorandum is Not Written to Inform the Reader, but to Protect the Writer A memorandum is an important document that is usually written by a senior personnel in an organization or business to communicate an issue or recommendation to the targeted audience. The audience can be internal or external, which influences the type of memo and the subject matter of the communication. The purpose of the memo may be informative in nature, exploring and explaining an issue to readers, or persuasive, intending to position the author’s argument to the audience and persuade them to support the decision. Dean Acheson, the former US Secretary of State, argued that “a memo is not written to inform the reader, but to protect the writer,” which I find to be an accurate statement in the context his role in government and also insightful from legal and political perspectives. The memo protects writers by supporting their arguments or analysis of a policy position, recommendations, or decree and persuading the reader to consider the merits of the decision taken by the author, improving or saving the latter’s or the office’s image with the public.
Dean Acheson’s statement is accurate, given that he was the secretary of state, an influential office of government and foreign affairs that must maintain its position of power through the materials it publicly issues on however sensitive topic. His memos may have dictated the decisions made by the country’s foreign mission as well as the vetoed or upheld resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and other international organizations. The memos protected the image of Acheson’s offices and signaled the gravity of his concerns and his on determination to persuade foreign missions to support America’s steadfast interest in global issues. Moreover, as Secretary of State, Acheson used memos as diplomatic communication tools specifying the actions taken by his office and the American government. Nationally, memos are expected to be uncontested to protect the stature of the Office of the Secretary of State and its occupants. At the international level, memos are designed to affirm the American government’s position on foreign affairs and to protect its geopolitical influence.
Dean Acheson’s statement is accurate from a government operations perspective in terms of protecting the public image and reputation of its agents. Well-crafted memos may help demonstrate the commitment of public servants to create a higher degree of openness that ensures the public trusts public officers and government systems. In particular, informational memos provide citizens with information on what is happening in government cycles and the measures taken by administrators that are justified as appropriate to address public policy issues. For example, government officials use a memorandum to disclose information about current policies to enable them — officers — to be accountable to citizens. Therefore, memos protect government officials by allowing them to appear transparent and responsible for their decisions in the perception of the people. Furthermore, government memoranda are often written in the first person, implying that they are linear communications that protect the position of the writer or the department on a particular issue. The first-person communication endears to the public, giving authors the power to position the arguments to the readers. Furthermore, memos done in first person perspective protect the author by creating connections with the protagonists and persuading them to support the communicator’s recommendations. This rhetoric approach makes the message believable to the audience, which protects the course of action taken by the communicator. Writing memos in a first person perspective is also crucial to creating a clear perspective of the decisions made by the author, resulting in a positive reception of the author’s in a positive reception of the author’s policy recommendations by readers.
Thus, the use of the first-person in memos protects the position, arguments, policies, and recommendations taken by the writer.As the secretary of state, Dean Acheson would have also used memos to inform the president and other departments about problems that needed to be addressed jointly or issues that required public decree. In government cycles, memoranda advocate for well-reasoned solutions to problems that transcends the roles of one government department. For instance, the secretary of state writes memos to communicate multiple solutions for combating international terrorism for policymakers’ considerations. The secretary recognizes that terrorism is a cross-cutting issue that requires consultations involving homeland security, foreign affairs, defense, and thepresidency. Therefore, by initiating conversations through memos the secretary of state protects his or her role in the office.Although the purpose of a memorandum is to inform readers, its writer must be cautious in formulating the information to protect themselves and the message. The authors must review the facts of the planned analysis or policy recommendations and demonstrate that they researched the context and have an understanding of alternative options. The author should use a of evidence preponderance of evidence to support his or her arguments so that readers can resonate with the analysis and policy recommendations. The facts presented in the memo protects writer’s conclusions by convincing readers that the outcomes can be achieved and that the author is doing the right thing.Dean Acheson assertion that a memorandum is not written to inform the reader, but to protect the writer is accurate based on the role the memos play in shaping an image of the office issuing them and in contextualizing the addressed events and concepts. Government memos are often written in the first person to persuade readers to support the author’s course of action. They symbolize the transparency and accountability of public servants, allowing them to earn the trust of citizens. Hence, memo protect writers by allowing them to attract the public and readers, and persuade them to endorse their policy recommendations and decisions.
I believe that Data science should be integrated with the content of culture and therefore allow people to communicate naturally by multiple ways.