【2020綠島最佳指南懶人包.中英版本】依時序吃住玩買的48小時綠島攻略.綠島推薦民宿.套裝行程 Travel Guide for Dummies: 48 hours on Green Island - a guide that saves you the trouble of planning your own trip!
Tired of being cooped up at home? Why not plan a vacation to Green Island?
This 48-hour guide is for you! It’s packed with things to do, places to eat, and sights to see! It’s also written in chronological order, though feel free to switch things up! I’ll be sharing it with you guys over the next 13 days, so keep a lookout for it! 接著帶大家來到很有氣氛的流浪‧綠境 OASIS。
The OASIS has been highly recommended for its romantic atmosphere. https://firefox1003.pixnet.net/blog/post/224867537 看圖及簡短介紹不過癮嗎?歡迎點擊上方👆連結來部落格看中英版本的完整介紹!🤩
Haven`t had enough? Well click on the link above and read the complete version on my blog! 【店家資訊】
營業時間:週一至週日 19:00~00:00 #ShaNice食光旅人筆記
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