2024 1026 Alyson:先知Seer

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2024 1026 Alyson:先知Seer











請宇宙給予祝福,抽到的塔羅牌是【大師 Master】。

再請宇宙給予指引,要繼續努力學習和精進的是【先知 Seer】。



對於【先知 Seer】,宇宙給予的建議是我需努力成為一位智者,尤其是我已看到了那道永垂不朽,永不熄滅,永不消失的光。光,或許對此時的我來說,距離非常遙遠,但不妨礙我已見,已觀,已知曉前進的方向。









2024 10/26 Alyson: The Seer

In the past few days while doing my listening work, certain intuitions would surface in my mind, often diverging from the topic the person needed to talk about. I’d try to subtly guide the conversation toward the topics these intuitions pointed me to.


I’m accustomed to wrapping up a session by summarizing the conversation into a prose record, then asking the universe for blessings and guidance for the person I’ve just worked with. I finish by generating an AI image. Only then does the work feel complete.

The word “spirituality” has always felt deep and mysterious to me, something I could never fully grasp. But yesterday, I had an awakening moment of spiritual insight.

How to describe it? When I drew tarot cards asking for blessings for the person, the card’s meaning aligned with the intuition I’d had during our conversation. In that instant, my mind buzzed with excitement and emotion. I felt like my intuition connected directly with the universe—like my index finger touching E.T.’s, with energy flowing through me, and I could sense E.T.’s thoughts as if they were my own. It felt that direct and wondrous.

I started reflecting on whether similar events had happened recently, but my poor memory got the best of me, and I decided to stop overthinking it. This kind of retrospection didn’t hold much meaning anyway. Perhaps it had happened before, but I hadn’t noticed. Without awareness, there’s no insight, no spark of spiritual awakening, and no inner satisfaction or excitement.

Nervous yet eager, I took out my tarot cards again. This time, I wanted to ask the universe for my own blessing and guidance. I asked for a blessing and drew The Master. For guidance, the card was The Seer.

Becoming a master tarot reader is my goal. A classmate once asked if I’d considered teaching tarot. I remember replying that I still needed to learn and experience so much more before becoming a guide. Perhaps someday, but for now, refining myself and being able to help others in need of guidance is the most important task.

For The Seer, the advice from the universe is that I need to work to become a wise person. I’ve already glimpsed that eternal, undying light. That light, though distant, has shown me the direction forward. The universe says I need to deepen my spiritual skills, cultivating awareness and qualities that awaken and elevate my spiritual power. Using my preferred tools and processes, I’m to share the universe’s wisdom and the gifts it has given me.

I am a slow learner, not particularly diligent, and certainly not driven. I meander along the path of tarot at my own pace, sometimes even stopping entirely. Yes, there have been many discouraging voices questioning my resolve, doubting my commitment to this path. I have no need to explain myself to anyone. My spirit, my soul, my higher self—how I walk this spiritual path, the pace I choose, when to walk fast, when to rest and simply watch the flowers, the sky, the birds, or the rain—all should be my choice alone. That, too, is destiny and nature.


The timing of a seed’s sprouting and growth is destiny, is nature. Just like Tai Chi.


