抒情英文歌曲推薦-安谷Anggun - Undress Me 卸下武裝的我 / 中英文歌詞翻譯
When I can't see right in your eyes 從你的雙眼中我感到了些許不對勁
When I'm surrounded in the craziness of time 被負面的情緒層層壓制住
When your understanding is trying hard to stand still 想努力諒解彼此的立場
When I wear layers of my pride, you should 仍在感情中帶有自尊的我
Undress me, undress me 請將我層層的武裝卸下
Unlock this chain and set me free 解開這鎖鏈並讓我自由
Remind me to be myself 提醒我只需要做自己真實的一面即可
Undress me, undress me 解放我層層虛偽的外在
Unleash my heart and make me see 解開心中的束縛
When I become someone else 就像是變成素未謀面的陌生人般
Whenever I'm trapped in this tide 與你相處時我會
When I forgotten that there is you and I 看不見自我的盲點
When your persuasion is fighting in a blindfold 當信念遮蔽雙眼時
When I wear my bad moods to my mouth, you should 當我喜形於色時
Undress me, undress me 請你卸下我層層包圍的武裝外在
Unlock this chain and set me free 解開輪迴的鎖鏈並讓我重獲自由
Remind me to be myself, myself 提醒我只要做簡單的自己就好
Undress me, undress me 脫去我層層的外在偽裝
Unleash my heart and make me see 釋放心中的情感
When I become someone else 就像是變成素未謀面的陌生人般
Like a rose without its thorn 就像是無刺的玫瑰
Like a bird without a song 如同不會歌唱的鳥兒
Like the fire without the flame 像是無法激起火花的火焰
If there's a painless love 如果有無痛無慮的愛
we wouldn't be the same 我們將不會一樣
Undress me, undress me 卸下我層層包圍的武裝
Unlock this chain and set me free 將輪迴的鎖鏈解開並讓我自由
Remind me to be myself, my self 提醒我只需要做我自己就好
Undress me, undress me 放開那不自在束縛的虛偽外在
Unleash my heart and make me see 釋放心中的情感
When I become someone else 就像是變成素未謀面的陌生人般
Undress me, undress me 卸除那外在虛偽的一切武裝
Unlock this chain and set me free 除去輪迴的鎖鏈並讓我自由
Remind me to be myself 提醒我只要做真實自我的一面就好
Undress me, undress me 將那不必要的外在武裝通通除去
Unleash my heart and make me see 釋放心中的情感