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中英 /西文意譯歌詞 神秘優美的中東曲調歌曲推薦 ILIRA, Juan Magán - DIABLO


我很喜歡這首歌~~ 由來自西班牙與瑞士的歌手們合唱


曲調頗有中東神秘異國的氣息~~很優美又略帶有些許的侵略性>< 總感覺很適合跳肚皮舞呢@@




Ah, ah, ah, ah 阿~~~~阿~~~~

Mouthful of pretty lies 滿嘴胡謅的謊言

Handful of dynamite  滿手只有摧毀一切的炸彈

Every time you let me burn  每次你只會讓我獨自承擔苦果

If I'm being honest I just never learn

如果我對你誠實以對~我永遠都看不清你是什麼樣的人 (學不會)

Tell me what’s happening 告訴我發生什麼事

Walls here are closing in 四周的牆正關閉無法離開

Double lock the bedroom door 臥室的房門也是雙雙緊閉地

But every time you touch me 每次你碰觸我的時刻

I feel someone else taking over 我總感覺這裡似乎有別雙手

You turned into Diablo  是你變成的惡魔

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I'm just good to get you off   我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved  而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

You turned into Diablo 你變成的惡魔

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I'm just good to get you off 我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved 而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

Yo no soy un diablo soy un hombre normal  


Cuando te hago daño "Ma" (Mami) me siento fatal

當我傷害你的時候 這的確很讓人感到害怕

No me justifico pero no está tan mal


Que pida perdón si yo te quiero tanto


Si al final hemos pasado tanto


Soy un cabrón que no se gana un canto


De tu cariño, tú eres un encanto, si yo te falto te duele


You turned into Diablo 你變成的惡魔

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I’m just good to get you off 我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved 而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

You turned into Diablo 你變成的惡魔

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I'm just good to get you off 我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved 而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

Monsters under your bed 怪獸就隱身在你的床下

Crawled up into your head 會無聲無息地爬進你的腦中

Always finding some excuse 總是找到一些狗屁不通的藉口

Blaming everything but never ever you 怪東怪西卻從不檢討自己的錯

Careless, the way you act  你所表現的是無關緊要的漠不關心

Helpless, we made a pact  


Feeding me recycled lines 讓我感到無止盡失望無窮的死循環

Fingers crossed behind your back  


When you say you're forever mine (Forever mine)

當你說你永遠屬於我的時候 (永遠是我的)

You turned into Diablo 此時你變成了魔鬼

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I'm just good to get you off  我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved 而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

You turned into Diablo 你變成了惡魔

Hiding under the halo of sweet talk 隱藏在甜言蜜語的光環下

I'm just good to get you off 我很高興終於能遠離你

But not good enough to be loved  而非我不夠好得不到你的愛

Turned into Diablo  變成惡魔的你

Diablo, Diablo 惡魔~ 惡魔~


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