侏羅紀世界:統霸天下近期上映了。然而生為觀眾的我非常失望 :(

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侏羅紀公園應該是許多人的童年回憶吧。從電影到環球影城裡的設施還有成千上萬的周邊侏羅紀的恐龍已經是一個重要的 pop culture franchise(流行文化的推廣系列)。

然而看完這部電影的我及在場觀眾都非常失望。甚至我在電影結束觀眾拍手時聽到了hahaha trash 這樣的評價。


對這部電影有了解的人就會知道這是侏羅紀系列的一個完結,因此Univeral 嘗試找了侏羅紀公園的三位主角 Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Sattler, and Dr. Ian Malcolm.來當主角。然而,雖然電影公司很努力打感情排,但結果並沒有像蜘蛛人:無家日一樣成功而我總結了幾個致命的原因。

1. 太多主角,沒有恐龍


2. 科學細節解釋不合理




Jurassic World Domination just came out in theaters. It was such an anticipated film since it wraps up the end for the Jurassic Park franchise that was first shown in theaters 20 years ago. The film combines the main characters not only in the previous Jurassic World blockbusters, but it also involves the previous actors from Jurassic Park to showcase our favorite characters Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Sattler, and Dr. Ian Malcolm. 


As an audience that watched all the Jurassic Park and World movies I was disappointed. I have to admit that the film does a good job adding easter eggs in the film to give homage to the previous Jurassic Park movies. For example, the film does keep the lab of Dr. Alan Grant is relatively the same in this film. Also, we get to see Dr. Ian Malcolm uses fire to lure the dinosaurs just like the previous movies. 

Yet, unlike the Spider-Man No Way Home film, the easter eggs of combining the two franchises does not seem to work as well. In Spider-Man we got to see how each spiderman forms a relationship through their similar but different personality and experiences. However, throughout this Jurassic World film, we weren’t able to see this relationship form as well since there were simply too many main characters not to mention what a lot of the audience came into the theaters to see: THE DINOSAURS! 

This brings me to my second point: dinosaurs. In the previous films, the audience not only got to see the main characters of the films grow, but also got to witness the dinosaurs grow and face challenges. However, the whole plot of this movie doesn’t really showcase the dinosaurs as much. In fact, I would say that the b ugs in this movie have more screen time than the dinosaurs themselves, which is quite disappointing.

Lastly, the film’s scientific reasoning of asexual clones simpluy do not seem as plausible. A big part of Jurassic Park being such a big franchise was because of how the series made the rebirth of dinosaurs seem like something that can really happen in the near future. In fact, the series explained the science behind it well. Yet, in this new film, all the explanations just did not have the same effect, which made the film less exciting.

Overall, I would rate this film a 4/10. For big Jurassic Park fans who want to see what happens with Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Malcolm, it might be a film you want to watch. Yet, I do not see it as a necessary action film for the general audience. In fact, I saw the film in 4DX and that was the main reason I was able to stay awake and pay attention. Therefore, if you are an audience who wants to go into the theater to watch dinosaurs fight and see great action, this may not be the film for you.