辣到我投降了~ 女王
歌詞實在是🔞🈲到不行, 甚至連中文歌都無法表達的境界
One thing about me, I'm the baddest alive
有件小祕密, 老娘是世界最嗆辣的女人
He know the prettiest bitch didn't come until I arrive
直到老娘出現, 眾人才知道有頂級貨色的存在
I can lick it, I can ride it while you slippin' and slidin'
老娘舔,搖~~ 樣樣都行
I can do all them little tricks and keep the dick up inside it
You can smack it, you can grip it, you can go down and kiss it
你可以從後面撞擊我, 緊抱我, 慢慢地向下探索
And every time he leave me 'lone, he always tell me he miss it
每次跟我完事, 他都會跟我說他回味無窮