⏏️《腦筋急轉彎2》預告 ⏏️
腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 1
“Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.”

腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 2
“It's normal to feel down every once in a while. Without the hard times, how would we know when we’re in the good times?”

"We'll just have to go around. Take the scenic route."

腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 4
" It’s folly to think you can avoid change. There’s no growth or success without change. "

腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 5
" What determines your emotion is not what surrounds you on the outside, but how you feel on the inside."
「 決定一個人心情的,不在於環境,而在於心境。」

腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 6
" Being mature is knowing how to adjust yourself when you realize the world isn't quite like what you've expected."

腦筋急轉彎治癒金句 7
" You can't focus on what's going wrong, There's always a way to turn things around."
