因為期中考停更好幾週,搖滾之夜終於回來啦,今天要分享的是美國搖滾天團Imagine Dragons
(圖片來源:voice of America)
主唱Dan Reynolds表示這首歌主要想傳達:「尋找自我,並願意且有能力去抵禦任何逆境。」在這個人吃人的社會裡,往往帶出最壞的自己,或是最好的。
Will you hold the line
When every one of them has given up and given in? Tell me
In this house of mine
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me
Will the stars align?
Will heaven step in? Will it save us from our sin? Will it?
'Cause this house of mine stands strong
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heart and cast away
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a...
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading
Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it
I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear
Gonna make it
I'm gonna make it
Yeah, you're a natural
(圖片來源:the guardian)
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost
任何成果都必須付出代價,重要的是在這個過程當中,你保留了最純粹的自我。不向命運屈服,要有面對困難的勇氣,每個人都是獨一無二的。主唱Dan Reynolds說:「我相信,當你真正的學會愛你自己的時候,那些批判的眼神和惡毒的言語將會變得毫無意義。」
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