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"西洋流行"唯美抒情英文歌推薦-Marina Kaye - Mirror Mirror 鏡子-歌詞中英翻譯








下列是簡單的歌詞翻譯~~ 一起欣賞這唯美風情的MV吧!!

Marina Kaye - Mirror Mirror 鏡子

hold it in, to turn it up 將內心自我的聲音慢慢釋放

Until it gets deafening 直到震耳欲聾般大聲

My tears can fall, like diamond rain  眼淚如同鑽石雨般不停地落下

Nothing's gonna be the same 今日不同往昔( 我將徹底地脫胎換骨)

I might be restless, I could be wild 我也許煩躁不安 也可能展現出狂野的一面

I might be torn inside 我的內在也是受盡折磨

I could be cold, but I'm burning for a new life  

我可能表現的很冷漠 但這是蛻變重生的轉捩點

Mirror mirror on the wall  牆上的鏡子

I'm falling to the other side 傾倒不平的狀態

A thousand pieces on the the floor 讓這數不盡的碎片散落一地

So I can chase the fireflies 我會再次追尋閃亮的螢火蟲 (面對光明希望)

I face the pain, it's beautiful  我重新面對生命中這美麗的苦痛

I don't have to run anymore 我不必再次逃避

I don't have to run anymore 無須再逃避生命中的課題

I scream it out, no one can hear 我大聲地呼喊求救 卻無人聽見我的吶喊

Release the demons inside of me 想要釋放心中的負面情緒

Break through the ice, scars on my sleeve 破除僵局並展現自我內心的傷疤

Nothing's gonna be the same 如今的我已與過往截然不同

I might be restless, I could be wild 也許我會焦躁不安 / 又或者展現出狂野的一面

I might be torn inside 內心的我也是受盡折磨

I could be cold, but I'm burning for a new life 

我可能表現的冷漠 但卻是蛻變重生的轉捩點

Mirror mirror on the wall 牆上的鏡子

I'm falling to the other side 傾倒不平的狀態

A thousand pieces on the the floor 讓這數不盡的碎片散落一地

So I can chase the fireflies 我會再次追尋閃亮的螢火蟲

I face the pain, it's beautiful 我獨自面對這美麗的苦痛

I don't have to run anymore 無須再次逃跑

I don't have to run anymore 不必再次逃避我內心的痛苦

Catch me now, I'm a runaway 將正在逃跑的我導入正軌吧

I'll be who I'm meant to be   我將成為自己想要的樣子

I'm invisible, now I can see  現在的我逐漸能找到自我

I'll be who I'm meant to be   我將成為我自己想變成的樣子

I'll be who I'm meant to be   能成為自己想要的樣子

Mirror mirror on the wall 牆上的鏡子

I'm falling to the other side 傾倒不平的狀態

A thousand pieces on the the floor  讓這數不盡的碎片散落一地

So I can chase the fireflies 我會再次追尋閃亮的螢火蟲 (面對光明希望)

I face the pain, it's beautiful 我獨立面對這美麗的苦痛

I don't have to run anymore 我不必再次逃避

I don't have to run anymore 面對痛苦無須再次躲開的我

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