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[食譜] 黃檸燕麥薑黃蝴蝶麵 Limone Turmeric Farfalle


Pride month 第三彈,黃色。一如往常,所有義大利麵用的都是自己手工做的燕麥麵。

Back with my third pride month pasta, yellow. As usual, I used my handmade, unfortified oat pasta. You can, of course, use regular pasta.

這個簡單又超美味的食譜也是從The Pasta Queen 那裡學來的。這此我做了一些調整,取代了原食譜的鮮奶油。15分鐘內就完工。當然,不包含我做新鮮燕麥薑黃黃色蝴蝶麵的時間。這實在是我吃過最好吃的義大利麵之一,一入口像上天堂一樣。放涼了拌沙拉吃實在是完美的夏日美食。

Once again, I got this simple and gorgeous recipe from the one and only Pasta Queen. You should really follow her. I made some modifications to substitute the heavy cream used in the original recipe. It can all be done in under 15 minutes. Minus the time I spent making and shaping the fresh oat flour, turmeric yellow farfalle, of course. It's one of the best pasta I have ever tasted, the moment I put it in my mouth I was in heaven. Serving it with salad after it has chilled makes the perfect summer dish.

材料 Ingredients:

1. 一顆黃檸檬的汁和檸檬皮屑 juice and zest of one lemon

2. 1 辦大蒜切末 1 clove of garlic (minced)

3. 適量鹽 salt to taste

4. 1/3杯的原味希臘優格,加全脂牛奶至1/2杯處

1/3 cup of greek yogurt, cover it in full fat milk till it reaches 1/2cup

5. 2湯匙的油或是1湯匙的油+1湯匙的草飼奶油。我是用酪梨油但是橄欖油也行。 1 tbsp of oil or 1 tbsp of oil plus 1 tbsp of grass fed butter. I used extra virgin avocado oil but olive oil should work, too.

步驟 Instructions:

1. 把大蒜放乳平底鍋的油裡拌炒並加入檸檬汁和檸檬皮屑。

Add the garlic to the oil in the pan along with the juice and zest of one lemon.

2. 把優格和奶攪拌均勻至滑順,倒入鍋中。輕輕拌勻。

Stir the yogurt and milk mixture lightly until smooth and add it to the pan. Stir it lightly to combine.

3. 放入7分熟的義大利麵,以及半杯義大利麵水。輕輕攪拌,煮1-2分鐘。如果太乾可以再加一點義大利麵水。

Put in slightly undercooked pasta along with 1/2 cup of pasta water. Gently mix as you cook for another 1-2 minutes. Add in more pasta water along the way if it's too dry.


That's it, it's ready to serve!

參考資料 reference:

Lemon Spaghetti by The Pasta Queen

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