This is literally my favorite recipe right now! I can eat this every day and not get tired of it. Using the same pot to cook any vegetables or even to make risotto also yields extra delicious results. The best part is that this is ready to serve in 10 minutes!
There is a written recipe below but I've also linked the video recipe.
材料 Ingredients:
1. 250g 雞胸切丁 chicken breast cut into cubes
2. 1 tsp 小蘇打粉 (可略) baking soda (optional)
3. 1/2 tsp 草飼奶油 grass-fed butter
4. 2 瓣大蒜切碎 2 cloves of garlic finely minced
5. 4根辣椒切碎 chili peppers finely minced
6. 適量鹽 salt to taste
步驟 Instructions:
1. 把雞胸切丁後跟小蘇打粉揉昀,包起來放冰箱至少20分鐘。此步驟可以省略但是可以讓雞胸跟軟嫩。
Slice the chicken breast into cubes and rub them with the baking soda, let this sit in the fridge covered for at least 20 minutes and wash them before coking. You can skip this step but this makes the chicken more tender.
2. 全程小火。把奶油放入熱鍋中融化。
Place the butter in a hot pan on low heat and melt the butter.
3. 放入蒜末和辣椒末,炒至微微金黃。
Put in the garlic and chili peppers. Sautés until slightly golden.
4. 把雞丁放在鍋底,擠一點沒問題但不要重疊。
Place the chicken on the bottom of the pan. It's okay to be snug but don't overlap.
5. 蓋鍋蓋煮一分鐘。
Cook covered for one minute.
6. 把每一塊雞肉都翻面,蓋鍋蓋再煮一分鐘。
Flip each piece of the chicken and cook covered for another minute.
7. 稍微攪拌後蓋鍋蓋再煮20-30秒。(如果步驟6後雞肉已經全熟就不要再煮了。)
Stir and cook covered for an additional 20-30 seconds. (If the chicken is already fully cooked after step 6 do not further cook them.)
And it's ready to serve! At this point I removed the chicken and cooked 165g of spinach. I simply put the spinach in the pot, salted them and cooked covered for 3 minutes. Stirring once or twice in between.
喜歡記得在 Instagram 追蹤我:
Cherie Aria🧜🏻♀️ 艾雪莉