🥚🍚【BKCooking 經典蛋炒飯】🍚🥚
Today we ganna make classic egg fried rice! Don’t afraid try Asian food at home! Just follow me make cooking ez and fun!
Ingredients :
Cooking oil 3tsp 沙拉油
Eggs 2 蛋
pinch of salt鹽
Cold steamed rice 2 small bowls 2小碗白飯
Soy sauce 2tsp 醬油
Spring onion, sliced 蔥末
Method :
1. Egg beaten with pinch of salt蛋和少許鹽攪打成蛋液。
2. Chop spring onion into sliced.蔥切末備用
3. Heat up wok with oil, pour the eggs and stirring like scrambled, then add rice stir them until soft and dry, you can add 1tsp oil during stir fried rice. 炒鍋倒入熱油後熱鍋倒入蛋液,接著從中間以繞圈方式炒散蛋,接著加入白飯炒散至均勻,可多加一匙油續炒。
4. When rice and egg mix probably, pour soy sauce around wok, make it sizzling and more flavor! Keep stirring until rice smell good and dry, 米飯跟蛋都炒香了且鬆散後,沿著鍋邊倒入醬油炒香,再把米飯炒勻即可。
5. serve with sliced spring onion and some white pepper powder if you like. 最後加入蔥末攪拌即可,也可依照個人口味加入白胡椒粉。
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