🥪【BKCooking #蛋皮吐司 #EggyBreadwithHamandCheese】🥪
Here is our new program #FastBreakfast, ganna share quick breakfast ideas with you, welcome to share and leave msg! ❤
Toast bread吐司2片
Ham 火腿
Egg 2-3蛋
A pinch of salt 鹽
Lettuce 生菜
Tomato, sliced 蕃茄片
Cheese 起司片
Method 做法:
1. Fry bread and ham in pan until bread get brown. 平底鍋中煎吐司、火腿至表面金黃後移走。
2. Beat egg with a pinch of salt, pour into pan, place bread and quickly flip it over the other side, when egg form, flip egg with bread over, place lettuce, ham, tomato slices, cheese.將蛋液打散,倒入鍋中並將吐司平放置入,雙面沾好蛋液後煎至鍋中蛋液固定後翻面,依序鋪上生菜、火腿、蕃茄、起司片,將兩側的蛋皮夾起即可。
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