【BKCooking #LiveStream #直播烹飪】 #親子丼 #oyakodon #ChickenandEgg
Get in BKC late night dinner! Today a bit chilled, lets have some warm, nice Japanese rice bowl set! Super cheap and easy also quickly in 30min set meal!
Chicken thigh 1雞腿排
Soy sauce 1tsp 醬油
Cooking rice wine 1tsp 米酒
Onions 洋蔥
Spring onions 蔥
Egg 1 蛋
Shiitake mushroom 香菇片
Stock 4tsp 高湯
Soy sauce 1tsp醬油
Mirin 1tsp味醂
1. Marinate chicken with soy sauce and salt and rice wine.雞肉和醬油與米酒醃製。
2. Beaten egg.攪打蛋液。
3. Slice spring onion white part, and use for to cut green part put into cold water, this is the tips for make spring onion crunchy and curly.將蔥白的部份斜切,蔥綠的部份用叉子劃刀後泡冰水。*泡冰水可讓蔥綠更清脆且保持捲曲!
4. Cut onion, mix sauce together.洋蔥切粗絲,將醬汁調好。*醬汁比例4:1:1!
5. Sautéed chicken with skin until it brown, turn chicken to other side then add onions and spring onion white part.雞皮朝下煎至金黃後翻面加入洋蔥絲與蔥白煎炒。
6. Pour sauce inside and simmer until sauce get thicken, then pour beaten eggs, cook until egg form then remove stove. 加入醬汁小火煮至醬汁略濃稠倒入蛋液煮至蛋液略凝固後離火。
7. Serve with spring onion green. 最後撒上蔥綠即可。
Stock 600cc高湯
Miso 100g味噌
Wakame 5g海帶芽(裙帶菜)
Tofu 1/2 box豆腐
Spring onion chops 蔥花
1. Boil stock add tofu cubes, when it boil again, add wakame then stir, use sieve and spoon to solve miso into soup, turn off fire right the way.高湯煮滾時加入豆腐塊,再滾時加入海帶芽攪拌,熄火並用篩子和湯匙讓味噌溶解在湯裡。
2. Serve with spring onion chops.撒上蔥花即可。
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