[ 台北美食|初訪 True From ]

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🍪:中分哥25元 餐包100元
中分哥的精緻臉蛋👦🏻 和芋泥餐包的渾圓芋泥+奶油片,可以說是滿足了妹子們的拍照需求以及口腹慾,真的好吃不騙人啦! 而且這個角落也設計的太美了(最近在瘋狂追蹤蠟燭相關的IG 有夠美)🕯️🍂
TrueFrom is a renovated old house with a large French window in Taipei. Located in a residential district. Many girls are coming here for the cute cookie and the Taro butter bread. You can find a seat there and stay for an afternoon in the quiet area with a nice coffee and dessert.
📍地址: 台北市松山區八德路三段158巷5號1樓
⏰營業時間:一~四&日 13:00-22:00 五六 13:00-00:00
📞電話: 02-2577-2527
