[ 台北美食|THAIHAND右手餐廳 ]

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🇹🇭: 南泰咖哩雞 310元 手工綠咖哩椰汁雞 295元
貳樓旗下泰菜#右手餐廳 在疫情期間還蠻適合吃的🐔
為什麼呢? 因為有別於一般的泰菜,他是一人一份的形式,不需要和別人口水交融XD 上次朋友聚餐的時候,店裡正在大推特推優惠方案,加價購80元飲料就送一大盤雞柳,每個人雞柳都吃到快吐🥴但好爽
小菜涼拌木瓜絲、粉絲、炸蛋充滿泰式風情,我吃過綠咖哩、南泰咖哩雞、羅望子酥炸辣嘎碰等等,每一道菜基本上都十分符合台灣人的胃口,該有的辣以及異國的味道,都有在這盤滿滿的料理中呈現出來,不過說泰,也在其中嘗到不少台式的改良風味;如果一個人想吃泰式料理,那就來吃右手餐廳吧 🇹🇭💯
During the Coronavirus , it is best to eat one serving, not to eat together. If you like Thai cuisine, the right-hand restaurant will be a good choice. You can choose your favorite staple food with a variety of ingredients. It is a very satisfying meal. Although the taste has been improved more Taiwan style, but it is still very good. Try it!
📞電話:02 2369 2582
