[ Aunt Stella 詩特莉手工餅乾 ]

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就是昨天! 生了一個健康的金牛寶寶,恭喜恭喜🎉🎉🎉小朋友一定會幸福快樂長大的。同齡的朋友人生進度好快,相較之下我還在這邊耍廢當屁孩XD
壓箱超久的喜餅開箱文現在才發 #詩特莉手工餅乾 是好多人選喜餅的選擇,這盒到我們家,不消一個禮拜就吃光了,其中最喜歡的是檸檬球,質感超好的木盒也被我收起來裝東西了🎀
希望我的女生朋友們快點結婚🎎 ( 男生就算了沒有🥮喜餅 )
My junior high school friend got married and she just had a Taurus baby yesterday. Congratulations. Bride cake is a kind of traditional custom at the wedding. Bride’s friends will get a box of bride cake after participate in the wedding. With the lovely wooden box, lemon balls are my favorite. Congratulations my friend again and I hope my girl friends will get married soon that I can get more Bride cake, lol😂
📩 官網 : http://www.auntstella.com/gift 📍 台北總店 : 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段552號3樓
📞 電話:0800-600-369
