[ 新竹美食|優鮮庫純 UCool ]
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☕️ ➪ 熱拿鐵 90元
好日系的紙杯 ☕︎︎
加入他們家自家的鮮奶 拿鐵的口感中規中矩
很適合逛完附近的#新瓦屋 和#或者 書店
來這邊喝一杯咖啡 ت
Cute blue and white coffee cup with latte. UCool provide their own milk brand and a lot of kinds of food items. If you visit Hakka Culture Center near by. You can get a cup of coffee and relax at this area.
✍︎︎ 店址:新竹縣竹北市嘉豐二街一段153號
☏ 電話:03 550 6889
⚠︎︎ 營業時間:10:00-20:00