[ 越南美食|Mama Phở Restaurant Hồ Tùng Mậu ]
🍲➪ MaMa Phở 78,000 vɴᴅ
🥥➪ Fresh coconut 25,400 ᴠɴᴅ
🇻🇳 Vietnam 越南美食系列文-17
越南當地處處都是PHỞ ✌︎︎
Mama PHỞ 在網路上沒人寫過(中文)推薦文
湯頭平淡但卻不乏味 清爽鹹香
越南的綠辣椒真的有夠辣 泡幾秒就必須撈起
Recommend by TripAdvisor, Mama PHỞ is a local Vietnamese restaurant in Ho Chi Minh city. As I'm on my business trip so no one can share the dishes with me. But the PHỞ taste really smooth and yummy. if the air conditioner work well will be better, lol.
✍︎︎ 地址:Hồ Tùng Mậu, P, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh
☏ 電話:+47 466 65 733
⚠︎︎ 營業時間:06:30-21:30