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[健康食譜] 滷牛肉 清燉牛肉 不加醬油不加糖也超美味 Taiwanese braised beef/beef soup





餐份 serving: 7

材料 ingredients:

滷包 seasoning pouch:

- 8個八角 8 star anise

- 1 根肉桂 1 stick cinnamon

- 3塊桂皮 3 pieces cassia bark

- 2茶匙花椒 2 tsp sichuan pepper corns


- 3根乾辣椒 3 dried chili


- 2片月桂葉 2 bay leaves

- 1根蔥 1 green onion

- 3片薑 3 slices ginger

- 1瓣大蒜 1 clove of garlic

- 半顆洋蔥 1/2 onion

肉類 meat:

- 1.5 斤牛筋 900g beef tendon

- 1斤牛筋肉 600g beef plate (similar to brisket, part tendon part meat)

- 1.3 斤牛腱 780g beef shank

- 半個蜂巢肚 half a beef tripe

蔬菜 vegetables:

- 1根胡蘿蔔 1carrot

- 半根大蘿蔔 1/2 large turnip (radish, daikon, whatever you prefer to call it. It basically looks like a huge, white carrot)

- 5根小黃瓜切絲 5 cucumbers cut into shreds

- 600g金針菇 600g enoki mushroom

步驟 instructions:

1. 牛筋和牛筋肉先分別川燙。

Bring a pot of water to boil, put in the beef tendon and cook until the water boils again. Do the same to the beef plate.

2. 把牛筋放入鍋中,加水至覆蓋放入電鍋並放入滷包。外鍋加3杯水。此步驟可以跳過但是後續的燉煮要多加1.5小時。

Put the beef tendon in a fresh pot and add water until fully covered then place in the seasoning pouch. Place in a rice cooker/steam cooker (think Tatung rice cooker) and add 3 'cups' of water to the outer pot. The water cup we use in Taiwan for cooking rice is equivalent to about 1/2 measuring cup. You can skip this step but you would have to add 1.5 hours of cooking time later on.

3. 電鍋彈起來以後把鍋子移至爐火上,放入牛筋肉開小火煮。一邊煮一邊把牛腱和牛肚洗淨。

Once the rice cooker ticks, transfer the pot to the stove and add in the beef plate and let it cook on low heat while you wash the beef shank and beef tripe.

4. 加入牛腱和切好的牛肚,開大火煮滾。

Add in the beef plate and sliced beef tripe. Turn on high heat until you bring it to a boil.

5. 加入3-4茶匙的鹽和切好的胡蘿蔔跟蘿蔔。

Add 3-4 tsp of salt and the sliced carrots and turnip.

6. 蓋鍋蓋小火燉1.5小時。

Cook covered for 1.5 hours.

7. 關火不開鍋蓋悶1小時。

Remove from heat and let sit covered for an hour.

8. 取一小鍋湯,煮滾放入金針菇燙約1分鐘。

Take a small pot of soup and bring to boil, add the enoki mushroom and cook for 1 minute.

9. 分成7餐份,每份灑上一點蔥花,加入黃瓜絲和金針菇,淋一點湯汁拌勻就可以上菜囉!湯當然也可以拿來喝,就是很經典的清燉牛肉湯頭。

Split into 7 servings/meals, sprinkle some green onion on each serving along with the shredded cucumbers and enoki mushroom. Add a bit of soup, toss evenly, and it’s ready to serve! The soup can also be consumed, of course, and is a classic Taiwanese beef soup. Ever heard of our famous beef noodles? Yeah, this is it.


喜歡記得在 Instagram 追蹤我:

Cherie Aria🧜🏻‍♀️ 艾雪莉



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