PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界

[ pick a card ] The next thing you need to take action with


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[ Pile 1 ]

Hi, pile 1. My lovely friends chose this pile is not seeing the truth, still limboing around a relationship situation. There’s a mother like figure you currently cut the communication with seemed very nurturing and warm but the harsh truth is that the person was just not for you. The person pretend to be kind but somehow you sense there was something wrong about them. You kind of know that they tend to kill you confidence and manipulate you secretly. Though you want to say yes to them, you just can’t fully trust them. Being with them let you lose your own color, cannot talk your most authentic truth because you know they always kind of pull you back. It’s not about not communicating enough, it’s just gaslighting. On the contrary, you should listen to your intuition more, your six sense is trying to lead you from harm. Choose wisely, you will eventually walk out their trap. 

See through the deceitfulness. Differentiate unrequited love from true love. Learn from mistakes and choose the different path. #Third eye chakra activating.

[ Pile 2 ]

Hi, pile 2. My beautiful sunshines who choose this pile seems facing some conflicts with a group of people. My pile 2s are radiant unique aura, and it makes you standout in the crowd. Some people are jealous about you, talking bad behind the scene even making fun of you, it makes you feel small around them.
Some of my pile 2s are younger ones or have younger energy, lots of things are mew to you or you rather look pure and naïve. Your emotions are very easy to read, you’re learning to address your own emotions and control it. At the same time you feel embarrassed about how transparent you’re to your surroundings. You feel your power is restrained. You’ve learn the wisdom to just pick your own fight and decide to leave this almost killing you situation. Congrats to my brave pile 2 to choose not to dim your light, to take charge to turn on your own voice.

[ Pile 3 ]

Hi, pile 3. Congratulations. My precious pile 3 are welcoming a good news. Recently you got a chance to correct your past failure. You learned from the past experience and mastered your skill to bring flowers to bloom. Everything seems working in your favor. What you’re nourishing finally showing some results. It’s about your purpose, your dream life you build brick by brick. You’ve come into union with your yin and yang energy or some of my pile 3s are united with their beloved ones. Thank you for being courageous enough to take actions towards determination of changing life path. You are going to be super happy about it and I will be happy for you.

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