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Si vous entendez des sons tels qu’un battement de cœur, une bouilloire qui siffle, un grillon qui chante ou tous ces sons simultanément sans stimuli sonores externes, cela pourrait signifier que vous êtes atteint d’acouphène.

Au P’tit Crêpe is located on Rue Mouffetard, in the 5th Arrondissement in Paris. The place offers a great number of crêpes to go or to eat in.

If you hear sounds such as a heartbeat, a kettle whistling, a cricket chirping, or all of these sounds at once without external sound stimuli, it could mean you have tinnitus.

I hope to arouse gratitude and sharing through my cooking. By joining the kitchens of Le Passionné, I wish to cherish all the ingredients and express my passion in the creation of the dishes.

銀塔餐廳(法語:La Tour d’Argent),是位於法國巴黎第五區的一家星級法式餐廳。 銀塔餐廳自稱是在1582年建立的,國王亨利四世曾是餐廳的常客,是巴黎最古老的餐廳之一。法语的中木 · 木 mù · arbre, bois. 木 mù · insensible, engourdi. 木 mù · simple ; 伐木fámù. 伐木 fámù · abattre, couper des arbres ; 灌木 L’eau chante dans la bouilloire.

法國巴黎奧運搭船紅色赤璋共享,音樂開幕式Lady GaGa 粉紅羽毛巴黎時尚墨黑,加上搖滾音樂捧抱頭紅色女王an caira

搖滾音樂捧抱頭紅色女王an caira https://imgur.com/gallery/queen-sC2OOZE

跆拳道踢碗精彩晉級三公子排場 https://imgur.com/REmAOWw


純淨芭蕾女伶點舞入列 https://imgur.com/a/olympic-ballet-theatre-uX22itw


酷客歌劇魅影穿廊 https://imgur.com/a/fire-3vwafZ2

康康舞粉紅排場 https://imgur.com/a/pink-dance-o0TqGc3

超級重低音黑男撞擊 康康舞粉紅排場入河岸樹扶蘇提岸邊 酷客歌劇魅影穿廊郎當


豐收蒙娜麗莎饗宴點評第一排 接巴黎艾菲爾聖火交結熱氣球

純淨芭蕾女伶點舞入列 Open to all, open to you! 將奧斯特里茲橋(Pont d'Austerlitz)與耶拿橋(Pont d'Iéna)之間的塞納河段,切分為13個舞台,這也是全球數億觀眾看到的「媒介真實」


看點白日英國Billie Eilish 海灘意猶未盡I don't wanna say good bye 

閉幕式鋼琴演奏會通常都是在音樂廳的舞台上演出,但日前法國南特有一位瑞士鋼琴家阿蘭.羅切(Alain Roche)竟垂直倒吊在40公尺高空中演奏鋼琴,底下的觀眾則是透過耳機來聽鋼琴演奏會,相當特別。

根據外媒報導位於法國奧運壓軸來自瑞士的鋼琴演奏家阿蘭.羅切(Alain Roche)利用起重機將鋼琴垂直吊掛在40公尺的高空中,他就坐在與鋼琴相連的椅子上彈奏鋼琴,觀眾除了能聽見美妙的旋律外,特別的演奏方式也滿足了視覺。銀塔餐廳(法語:La Tour d’Argent),是位於法國巴黎第五區的一家星級法式餐廳。 銀塔餐廳自稱是在1582年建立的,國王亨利四世曾是餐廳的常客,是巴黎最古老的餐廳之一。

L’eau chante dans la bouilloire.

茶壺裡的水開了. (字面意:水在茶壺裡唱歌)

The Moulin Rouge, a spectacular world exists where all the emotions, surprises and effervescence, that constitute the Paris party spirit since 1889, are created and experienced.

Come and enjoy the Féerie Revue show, composed of 80 artists from all over the world, some 1000 costumes of feathers, sequins and rhinestones which enhance the bodies of our artists, a multitude of breath-taking acts which punctuate the show, and the legendary French Cancan — the Parisian cabaret invites you to enjoy an unforgettable moment of enchantment in the heart of Montmartre.

Every evening a whirlwind of feathers, sequins and rhinestones blows through the Moulin Rouge, the emblematic Parisian cabaret, as the great revue show “Féerie” takes the stage in four spectacular acts. From the sleepy gardens of the Moulin, to the decks of a pirate ship in Indonesia, to encounters with a travelling circus, before returning with the troupe to a touch of Parisian nostalgia from 1900 to today…The Moulin Rouge takes us on a journey through an enchanting universe during a lovely evening with family, friends or a romantic tête-à-tête.


Le Crazy Horse de Paris

A year and a half after closing its doors because of Covid-19 restrictions, the famous Parisian cabaret Crazy Horse is reopening with its “Totally Crazy” show and its dancers are eager to get back on stage.