川普的兒子錄取美國精英名校紐約大學美國開學日Back-To-School Event Starts 9/6

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川普的兒子錄取美國精英名校紐約大學2024 News Collection Barron Trump, was spotted arriving at New York University  

前總統唐納德·特朗普最小的孩子巴倫·特朗普週三被發現抵達紐約大學,開始他大學生活的第一天。這位身材高大的 18 歲年輕人肩上隨意挎著一個黑色 Swiss Gear 背包,踏入曼哈頓市中心的校園,周圍是特勤局特工。消息人士告訴《華盛頓郵報》,巴倫穿著白色 Polo 衫、黑色褲子和阿迪達斯瞪羚運動鞋,他的第一站是院長辦公室,然後被送往課堂。巴倫·川普 (Barron Trump) 抵達學校,這是他上大學的第一天。紐約郵報 Former President Donald Trump’s youngest child, Barron Trump, was spotted arriving at New York University Wednesday to kick off his first day of college life. The towering 18-year-old was flanked by Secret Service agents as he stepped onto the downtown Manhattan campus with a black Swiss Gear backpack casually slung over his shoulder. Dressed in a white polo, black pants and Adidas Gazelle sneakers, Barron’s first stop was the dean’s office before being whisked off to classes, sources told The Post. Barron Trump arriving at school for his first day of college. New York Post

Barron Trump is attending NYU, leaving behind ‘child-dom,’ his father says The former president’s youngest child is back in New York City, which the elder Trump has described as “dirty” and “unsafe.” Barron Trump is ditching “child-dom” and starting college at New York University, his father said in an interview with The Daily Mail this week.

“He’s a very smart guy, and he’ll be going to Stern Business School, which is a great school at NYU,” former President Donald Trump said in the interview published Wednesday. “He’s a very high-aptitude child, but he’s no longer a child. He’s just passed into something beyond child-dom.”

The Republican presidential nominee said his son had considered attending the prestigious University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, from which Trump and three of his other children graduated, but ultimately decided on the Manhattan school. “It’s a very high-quality place,” Trump said of NYU, adding: “We liked NYU. I’ve known NYU for a long time.”

Mystery Solved! Barron Trump Finally Spotted at College

The guessing game is finally over. Barron Trump is going to New York University where he will attend the Stern Undergraduate College — which the Daily Beast first reported in April was his top choice.

The 18-year-old Trump was seen Wednesday with a backpack, wearing a white polo shirt and Adidas sneakers, going to the NYU Dean’s office building with Secret Service agents who will protect him while his father runs for president, the New York Post reported. He becomes the first Trump to attend a New York City college since his father enrolled at Fordham University in the Bronx in 1964 before transferring two years later to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Barron, a 6’7” teenager who largely steers clear of his father’s limelight, graduated in May from the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida. The elder Trump, who has refused to release his own academic transcripts and threatened any schools that do so, had boasted for months about his son’s college prospects and toyed with the press about where he would enroll.

“He’s amazing actually in a certain way,” Trump, who is 6’3”, told Fox and Friends Weekend in June. “He’s tall, good-looking guy. He’s a very good student, and he’s applied to colleges and gets into everywhere he goes. He’s very sought-after from the standpoint he’s a very smart guy. He’s a very tall guy and he’s a great kid. He’s cool. He’s pretty cool, I’ll tell you.” Famous NYU graduates include Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie, Alec Baldwin, Billy Crystal, Martin Scorsese and Rudy Giuliani. Ken Langone, the Home Depot co-founder and a Trump donor is honorary vice chair of the college’s board, while its trustees include Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, who has been vocally pro-Trump.


美國開學日Back-To-School Event Starts 9/6

他們的學校活動日宣傳口號跟美國年輕人的流行穿搭SMFK Compass Hug Skin-Tight Fitting Tee Gray 等還有House of CB Official The pretty details decorating our ‘Lilibet’ corset top are just so deliciously feminine. Beautifully made from a delicate and dainty floral embroidered cotton-rich fabric, ‘Lilibet’ is trailed with romantic embroidery in blue that evokes a vintage feel. We love how ultra-feminine ‘Lilibet’ is with its ruffled straps, side cutouts and a peplum hem that flares out in just the right way. The hook and eye-front fastening makes for easy on. Wear yours with our ‘Augustine’ midi skirt for the perfect match.


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My business strategy is like…There are so many fancy nail salons near us. I work the best on each customer, I want to take a time. I can’t do cheaper, but I never overcharged. I am taking serious about my work, and be honest to my customers. I believe my customers know our efforts. We can’t make everyone satisfied, but we are trying the best as much as we can. Thank you for supporting, I always appreciate your royalty. Have a beautiful day 🥰 他們的服務理念是有宣言的:我的商業策略是這樣的…我們附近有很多精美的美甲沙龍。我對每個客戶都盡力而為,我想花點時間。我不能做得更便宜,但我從來不多收費。我認真對待我的工作,對我的客戶誠實。我相信我的客戶知道我們的努力。我們無法讓所有人都滿意,但我們會盡力做到最好。感謝您的支持,我一直很感謝您的皇室。祝你有美好的一天

紐約海外飲食習慣Guide to Koreatown

平時在紐約的中城吃韓國炸雞店覺得特別好吃但是份量少又貴 我紐約大學的室友總是嫌太忙在家裡準備很多番茄鍋底的海底撈醬料火鍋 我跟中國是有沒有什麼特別的連結,只是之前我在哈爾濱工業大學當獎學金交換生看到中國航太科技重鎮學生區附近有吃狗肉嚇到了 其他文化水平跟消費力很多時候比台灣人高 美國這幾年航太是主力了所以在哈爾濱工業大學經驗對我來說需要多記錄各種思路

美國開學日Back-To-School Event Starts 9/6

他們的學校活動日宣傳口號跟美國年輕人的流行穿搭SMFK Compass Hug Skin-Tight Fitting Tee Gray 等還有House of CB Official The pretty details decorating our ‘Lilibet’ corset top are just so deliciously feminine. Beautifully made from a delicate and dainty floral embroidered cotton-rich fabric, ‘Lilibet’ is trailed with romantic embroidery in blue that evokes a vintage feel. We love how ultra-feminine ‘Lilibet’ is with its ruffled straps, side cutouts and a peplum hem that flares out in just the right way. The hook and eye-front fastening makes for easy on. Wear yours with our ‘Augustine’ midi skirt for the perfect match.

美國的國定假日哥倫布日Columbus Day

哥倫布日(Columbus Day),又稱哥倫比亞日,每年10月12日,是一些美洲國家的節日,紀念克里斯托弗·哥倫布在北美登陸,為美國的聯邦假日。 哥倫布日為10月12日或10月的第二個星期一,以紀念哥倫布於1492年首次登上美洲大陸。但是我表姐念美國第一名的普林斯頓大學她的同學說這個節日對美國的菁英份子來說是很有爭議的事情因為是合理化征伐另一種族 現代人理所當然地認為地球是圓的,但十五世紀年代的人卻相信世界是平的,他們認為在已知領土的邊界上住著一群怪獸,有膽跨越雷池一步的人都將遭受不幸。人們嘲笑、甚或監禁那些膽敢認同地圓說的信徒。十月對於建築業者來說也是最近緊張了因為快要接近十一月跟十二月假期密集的節日了所以紐約是非常非常忙碌的,如果有工程是非常吵雜,研究生或是大學生也要面對第一次的考試項目。

美國的國定假日聖派翠克節St. Patrick’s Day

聖派翠克節(愛爾蘭語:Lá Fhéile Pádraig;英語:St.Patrick’s Day)是3月17日在聖派翠克忌日舉行的文化和宗教慶典。聖派翠克生前將福音傳至愛爾蘭[4]是愛爾蘭最重要的天主教聖人。這個美國的國定假日對留學生來說比較沒有政治意涵是比較可以歡樂的節慶


「The Mission」,中文翻譯成「教會」,是描述17、8世紀,西班牙人挾帶先進武器以及透過宗教「教化」落後的印地安土著的故事。 影片中,部分神父覺醒這種優勢的侵略是不應該的,轉而站在印地安這邊,協助土著抵抗入侵的西班牙軍隊。 這也是拉丁美洲興起「解放神學」的開端。 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E7%A5%9E%E5%AD%B8 做為自19世紀處初始,同樣被西方列強輪番甚至圍剿,到今天中國即將成為世界第一大工業國,以美國為首的G7仍然不放棄任何打壓手段。 而今天的拉丁美洲雖然看起來個個都是獨立國家,根子裡,仍然受到華爾街資本家的控制,例如量產豐富的巴西,因為糧食企業掌握在西方企業手中,竟然有20%的人口吃不飽。 今天中國可以自立了,但不應該忘記包括拉美、非洲,仍然有大批受壓迫的民族。