質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷4#8 Choya-Umeshu 秋雅梅酒- 蜂蜜口味

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#豪邁計劃🍷系列四: 微醺的幸福  "Ich weiß, sie tranken heimlich Wein/ Und predigten öffentlich Wasser" "我知道的,他們私底下飲酒,卻公開的讚美水" -《德國:一個冬天的童話》海涅與其成為偽善的說一套做一套之人,不如大方承認,微醺所帶來的快樂。


#8 Choya- Umeshu
秋雅梅酒- 蜂蜜口味 14.6%


Two of my very good friends asked me what is self love these days. I was quite unsure how to answer them. I think everyone should have their own definition of self love, but I still provided my own view point to them.
For me, it’s the time when I have conversations with myself ( often with a glass of wine or a cup of hot chocolate lol) or it can also be the moment I made decisions that I won’t regret in the future.
To love yourself is also to treat yourself good when no one is beside you, but also push yourself hard when you are way too lazy.
To love someone you must love yourself first? Not sure about this. However, knowing what is your own self love can make life more joyful :)




#umeshu #choya #日本 #秋雅 #梅酒 #EC豪邁計劃
