英文都沒進步,快幫幫我!Try this!

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Why your English isn't improving 🤔 / 為什麼我的英文都沒在進步呢?

🤯Finding out why your English is not improving and how to fix your problems

1️⃣ You don't spend enough time on it / 我沒有花很多時間在練習:

Start practicing for 15 minutes every day and listen to something you enjoy💙
承認吧~就是沒有花時間啊~ 那就慢慢養成習慣,先從每天15分鐘開始,還有搭配興趣!(參考連結:需要一些有趣的點子嗎在家裡也能學英文

每天都來看英文影片(不能有中文字幕!) 或是聽英文 podcast

建議先從 1~3 分鐘的開始,比較能夠吸收,也可以在結束的時候,試著在腦海中給自己一個簡短的總結(practice summarizing the video or podcast in 1~3 sentences).

2️⃣ You're too passive / 妳太被動了呦:
Practice speaking with someone or by yourself
有場合遇到外國人或是從國外回來的 ABC 妳有好好把握機會去找人家搭上兩句嗎?妳有試著去找語言交換嗎?其實有很多管道及活動都有機會與別人練習但是就看妳願不願意大膽嘗試!


How to practice speaking by yourself / 如何與自己練習口說:
💗Try to guess how someone will finish their sentence (in a video/TV show/movie) 
💗Remember new words and look up the meaning in English-English dictionary
學習需要主動點,開始用英英字典吧,有新的單字馬上記錄下來 (參考連結:這些秘訣學起來,如何用「英文腦」思考
💗Talk to yourself in the mirror

3️⃣ You don't review / 妳從來不複習:
Review the word 7 times before you can remember it.

4️⃣ You rely on your native language too much / 你太依賴妳的母語,總是用翻譯的方式,講出中文式的英文:
Explanations of English in your native language can be easy to read. They allow you to understand things quickly, but a translation or an explanation in your native language only gives you knowledge about English. It doesn't give you practice. 
It is hard to make a strong connection between the two if your native language is between them.

為什麼出國學習語言最快,因為沒有捷徑,就是逼迫你要用英文溝通(講錯了又怎麼樣,能溝通敢說才是重點📝)。別再用翻譯的方式學習~ 講出外國人聽不懂的英文GG (參考連結:別再說出中式英文,練習用英文思考)

5️⃣ You are afraid of making mistakes / 妳害怕犯錯:
If you don't make mistakes, you don't know what you are saying wrong.
如果妳學英文都沒在犯錯,那妳就不會在進步了呀~因為妳也不知道哪裡有問題~而且很常遇到學生都說自己程度不好,開始上課後發現根本不是程度的問題,是自信的問題,上課當然要犯錯,越多越好,敢錯才有進步的空間啦~別怕!錯了真的不會少一塊肉!如果妳想學英文,雖然看我的IG或許要花點時間,都沒有中文有點痛苦,不過每天花15分鐘👀👂英文,日積月累看得出成效的啦!(傳送門在這:我的 Instagram,關於 Cindy 的介紹)

6️⃣ You don't put things in context / 我不會用新單字造句:
When you learn a new word or phrase, ask yourself: "when can I use it" 🤔
↘Comment below your problem or 🙋🏽 if you want to learn more ↙
有說中妳的問題嗎?快來我的 IG 一起學習吧:)快來追蹤:ciiindyenglish
追蹤我的IG👉 www.instagram.com/ciiindyenglish

