You are truly a FAKE person,
The only thing you can do,
Or let us call your “TALENT”,
Just Copy, Copy and Copy.
Wait and See,
How many miles you can run?
I will grow and behind you all the time,
You never chase my shadow anymore.
Saturn is a good teacher,
Teach me what is patience and responsibility.
Maybe someday you will know,
But I would not help and stay.
You have to learn the Lesson,
Or be a child without Great.
Let us wait and see,
How much KARMA you need to pay?
#創作 #創意 #文學 #新詩 #英文 #剽竊 #盜用 #抄襲 #仿冒 #複製 #虛偽 #教訓 #毅力 #耐心 #負責 #誠實 #真實 #時間 #歲月 #業力 #土星 #行星 #星座 #占星 #著作權 #智慧財產權