I am nature Magician,
Have Five Elements,
Just write and draw,
They will manifest in world.
I hold powerful Creativity,
From my pure heart and clear mind.
That’s why you could not like me,
Because your only skill is Copy.
Mercury and Venus both my friends,
They are Brilliant and Wonderful,
Help me creating Wisdom and Beauty,
And you will never into the Sanctuary.
I will complete the World,
Beyond your imagination,
Cozy, Serenity and Infinity,
Left you still be a clown.
#創作 #文學 #新詩 #英文 #原創 #剽竊 #盜用 #抄襲 #仿冒 #複製 #小丑 #占星 #塔羅 #水星 #金星 #行星 #星座 #寫作 #繪畫 #藝術 #想像 #天生 #顯化 #元素 #世界 #宇宙 #賢者 #魔術師 #神秘學 #著作權 #智慧財產權