PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界




femme fatale (n.) an attractive and seductive woman who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her 致命女郎

這個詞是從法文來的,femme 是英文的 female,女性之意,而fatale 是英文的fatal是致命的、致死的之意。加起來就是一個可能讓你丟失性命的危險女人。

影片用句:The media called her the Damsel of Death. Which is very femme fatale.


其他例句:She is known as a femme fatale who preyed on men for their money.


補充:to prey on someone or something 原意是「獵捕」,但在不同狀況下,依照前後文會有欺騙、傷害甚至襲擊之意。

abusive (adj.) violent and cruel 虐待的

Abuse 是動詞本身具有虐待和濫用之意,作為形容詞是指對他人有虐待、辱罵、暴力傾向。通常多用於家暴者或是在感情中言語或肢體暴力者。

影片用句:Leo is this mentally and physically abusive piece of shxt.

翻譯:Leo 是一個在心理和生理上暴力的人渣。

其他例句:She could no longer tolerate her husband's abusive behavior, so she filed for divorce.


補充:Abuse 也可以作為名詞使用,指虐待、暴力的行為,所以以上例句可以改為 "She could no longer tolerate her husband's abuse, so she filed for divorce." 意思是一模一樣的。

pedophile (n.) someone who is sexually attracted to children 有戀童癖者

影片用句:He got arrested for raping an underaged girl. He’s a pedophile.


補充:另外也有 paedophile 的拼法多用於英式英文,美式英文則是 pedophile。有時候口語也會直接簡稱 pedo。

dote on someone (phr. v.) to give a lot of love or attention to someone 寵愛

影片用句:It was said that she just doted on Aileen. She really loved that girl.


其他例句:Ever since his daughter was born, he became a different person and doted on the little girl.


補充:doting 亦可以作為形容詞,溺愛的之意。例如 "She played the stereotypical role of a doting mother and wife." 她扮演了刻板影響當中溺愛的母親和妻子的角色。

outskirts (n.) the outer parts of a town or city 郊區;城鎮的邊緣

影片用句:On the outskirts of town, there is the place called the Pits.

翻譯:城鎮的邊緣有一個地方叫 The Pits。

statutory rape (n.) sexual relations with an underaged individual or someone who is mentally incompetent to consent 法定強姦

Statutory 是法律上認定的之意。statutory rape 是指不論對方是否合意,在法律上都認定為強姦。通常會有這樣的狀況是其中一人未到達法定合意年齡(台灣16歲,美國17歲),或是其中一人因心智問題被認定無行為能力,因此無法有效合意。

影片用句:She was 11, so it was definitely statutory rape.


consent (v.) give permission for something to happen 同意某事發生

consent 本身是同意某事的意思,也作為法律上「合意」的專用詞。

影片用句:They mentally do not have the capacity to consent.


其他例句:I cannot release the footage without your consent.


補充:consent 的形容詞是consensual。例如 “He claims that she was drunk but the sex was consensual.” 他聲稱她喝醉了但他們發聲關係是合意的。

incest (n.) sexual relations between people that are closely related 近親亂倫

影片用句:We don’t know what that is but that is definitely incest.


其他例句:I was reluctant to watch Game of Thrones at first because there was a shocking amount of incest.


補充:reluctant (adj.) to be unwilling 不願意的

abortion (n.) to deliberately terminate a pregnancy 墮胎

Planned Parenthood 是美國知名性教育相關的非營利組織,為沒有資源的人提供相關醫療服務、避孕措施,並且替不適合生產但不敢或是不能去醫院的孕婦進行安全合法的墮胎。許多未婚懷孕的青少年女性會尋求他們的幫助。

影片用句:It’s the 60's. It's not like you can just go to Planned Parenthood and get an abortion.

翻譯:那是60年代,並不是說可以直接去Planned Parenthood 墮胎。

knock up (phr. v.) [slang] to make pregnant (口語) 使懷孕


影片用句:Everyone thought she probably got knocked up by one of those teenage boys who she tried to get cigarettes from.


battered (adj.) having suffered repeated violence from a spouse, partner, or parent 飽受伴侶或是父母摧殘、暴力的

影片用句:She went to a shelter for battered women.


其他例句:The doctor examined that baby and determined that it was obviously battered.


補充:Battered women syndrome (BWS) 是在許多真是犯罪案件中聽到的,指當飽受家暴的女性變的害怕覺得無路可走而不選擇離開家暴者,有些會聽從家暴者的指示做一些違法的事情,或是在最後受不了暴力而殺害家暴者。這時常會有被告用來辯護,但跟精神異常的辯護一樣,要證實很有難度。

Liver cancer (n.) 肝癌

影片用句:She died of liver cancer because she is an alcoholic.


補充:匿名戒酒會的英文是 alcoholic anonymous (AA),也就是為什麼這系列的影片取名為 True Crime Anonymous 啦!AA最關為人質的就是一開始坐下來大家會說 "Hi my name is xxx and I am an alcoholic" 讓大家第一步先認知自己的問題。所以影片一開始雪莉說 "Hi, my name is Cherie and I am obsessed with true crime."

act out (phr. v.) to behave badly, especially when unhappy or stressed 因為壓力或是不滿而行為不當


影片用句:At this point, of course she starts acting out. She starts running away from home a lot.


其他例句:His parents thought that he was just acting out because of their divorce and that he'd eventually get over it, so they never sought professional help.


hitch-hike (v.)travel by getting free lifts in passing vehicles 搭便車

影片用句:She’s hitch-hiking to get around.


peer pressure (n.) influence from members of one's peer group 同儕壓力

peer 是指同年齡、同生活圈的人,也就是同儕;pressure 是壓力,情緒上的壓力或是物理上的壓力(大氣壓力等)都是這個字。

影片用句:Because of peer pressure, I’d probably make fun of her.


其他例句:He never gave in to peer pressure and refused to drink.


solicit (v.) to offer services as a sex worker (性工作者) 攬客

影片用句:She was soliciting on the highways.


solicit 也有 to ask for something from someone 詢問、徵求的意思。

其他例句:Keep your unsolicited advice to yourself.


petty (adj.) of little importance 瑣細的


影片用句:She was arrested several times for petty theft and bar fights.


restraining order (n.) 民事保護令

影片用句:9 weeks later, Lewis Fell files a restraining order against Aileen.

翻譯:9週後,Lewis Fell 對她聲請了民事保護令。

annul (v.) declare something official as invalid 廢除

影片用句:He got the marriage annulled.


補充:annulment 是名詞,即指婚姻的廢除。所以以上句子也可以改為 “he got an annulment.”

untimely (adj.) (of a death or end) happening too soon or sooner than normal.過早的 (亡故或結束)

影片用句:People view untimely death as a form of abandonment.


unhinged (adj.) mentally unstable 精神錯亂

影片用句:She was obviously unhinged. I don’t know why police didn’t think “maybe there’s something wrong with her. Maybe we need to get her help.


deploy (v.) move troops or equipment into position for military action (軍隊的) 部署

影片用句:She starts getting fewer and fewer clients because the military is getting deployed.


turn on (v.) [informal] to be sexually excited (非正式)性興奮

影片用句:He said he was a sadist and he could not be turned on unless Aileen was in pain.


plausible deniability (n.) 合理推諉


影片用句:She doesn’t ask where this comes from… but maybe it’s for plausible deniability.

翻譯:她沒有過問這些東西是從哪裡來的… 但可能是因為她想要有合理推諉的餘地。

influx (n.) an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things (人或物的) 突然大量湧入

影片用句:We don’t know what Tyria was thinking, but she’s okay with this influx of income.


其他例句:The restaurant could not handle the influx of customers and decided to hire more help.


indicate (v.) to point out 指出

影片用句:Aileen kind of indicated this but we don’t know if Tyria demanded a more financially stable or richer life.


其他例句:The numbers indicate that there is a higher divorce rate in the urban area of India.


補充:infer是indicate 的反面。indicate是A指出B,而infer是從A得出B。所以以上例句可以改為 “Based on the numbers, it can be inferred that there is a higher divorce rate in the urban area of India.” 根據數據可以得出印度的城市區域有比較高的離婚率。

be on the lookout (phr.) to be alert; to watch out or search for something 注意或是尋找某事

影片用句:These two cases are kind of similar, maybe you should be on the lookout.


其他例句:The police are on the lookout for drug dealers in the school district.


hunch (n.) a feeling or guess based on intuition 直覺的猜想

影片用句:With this hunch, he calls the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, but they didn’t have enough evidence to launch a full investigation yet.


其他例句:I’m not sure if he’s going to fall for it, it’s just a hunch.


scowl (v.) to make an angry facial expression or frown 表現出及其生氣的表情或皺眉

影片用句:He said Aileen scowled at him, so he rolled up the window and just left.


補充:scowl 也可做為名詞。

其他例句:He’s not a friendly person, he has a permanent scowl on his face.


coerce (v.) to obtain with violence or threats 透過暴力或是脅迫獲得

delirious (adj.) to be mentally disturbed 神智不清

影片用句:Even if you have a confession, you need evidence, because what if this confession was coerced? Or they are lying for someone. Or they’re just delirious.


其他例句:He claims that he didn’t want to be an accomplice, but was coerced into helping.


其他例句:He was completely delirious as he was suffering from a heat stroke.


despondent (adj.) in low spirits from loss of hope 沮喪的

影片用句:Aileen was described as being completely despondent.

翻譯:Aileen 被形容是完全沮喪的。

其他例句:She became despondent when she heard that her husband was cheating on her.


recant (v.) to publicly take back something you said 撤供

影片用句:A year later, she recanted.


come clean (phr. v.) to tell someone the complete truth 完全坦白

影片用句:She said “she didn’t need to come clean with me. I didn’t even like to talk about it.”


其他例句:He was tired of keeping the secret and decided to come clean.



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Cherie Aria🧜🏻‍♀️ 艾雪莉


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