Texture (n.) the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance 質地、觸感或口感
Texture 不過用在皮膚、布料、皮革、食物甚至化妝品上都是可以的。
影片用句:And they also give food this chewy texture.
其他例句:I love the smooth texture of silk.
Strategically (adv.) with strategy; in a way that is carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage 策略性的
影片用句:I need to take a naan and strategically place chicken on my naan.
其他例句:You must think strategically and not act on impulse.
Malfunction (n.) not working properly 故障
影片用句:Oops! Wardrobe malfunction.
Mal 這個字首有「不好的」的意思。例如software是軟體,malware是不好的軟體也就是會侵犯電腦的惡意軟體。
Wardrobe malfunction 字面上是「衣櫃的故障」的意思,也就包含衣服滑落、鈕扣爆開等各種穿著上可能發生的意外。
翻譯:Oops! 衣服滑落了。
其他例句:Efficiency in the office is low since we are constantly facing computer malfunctions.
補充:malfunction 也可以作為動詞,例如:I have no idea why my computer keeps malfunctioning! 我完全不理解我的電腦為何一直故障!
Labor (n.) work, especially physical hard work 勞力尤其指耗費體力的工作
影片用句:…so this is the work of my labor, my blood and tears and sweat.
其他例句:You are not just paying for her time and labor, but her expertise. Please respect her profession.
補充:跟勞工相關的法條統稱 labor laws
影片文法錯誤:“In the midnight?”
字幕更正:“At midnight?” Or “in the middle of the night?”
Midnight 是午夜,也就是指 0:00 的那一個瞬間,沒有辦法in,因為不是一段時間,無法在它之內。只能用at midnight,就是剛剛好在正午夜。
例如:If you kiss at midnight on New Year's Eve, you will spend the rest of the year together.
In the middle of the night,字面上直譯是在夜晚的中間,也就是「大半夜的」。因為雪莉這裡再說凌晨3、4點的是,所以溫蒂要使用的應該是後者。
Horrendous (adj.) extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible 很驚悚、糟糕
影片用句:The audio quality of the last video was so absolutely horrendous.
其他例句:I can’t believe that someone could commit such a horrendous crime.
影片文法錯誤:“I am not a person who focus or get really intrigued or interested by crime stories.”
字幕更正:"I am not a person who pays a lot of attention to, or gets really intrigued by or interested in crime stories."
Focus 是專注於某事、集中注意力於某事,而當後面有受詞來表達將注意力集中在什麼事情上的時候一定要有介繫詞on。所以這裡溫蒂如果說focuses on的話文法上會是正確的。但文意上「不將精神集中在某事之上」不代表不留意、不關注,只是代表這不是重心。而溫蒂想表達的是她並不太關注任何犯罪相關的故事,所以是 "don't pay a lot of attention to" 不怎麼花注意力在其之上。
在句子當中使用and 或or的時候一個小技巧就是拆開成兩個完整的句子看看文法是否正確。一定要兩者都符合文法和邏輯。
Intrigue 是吸引,被某事吸引是be intrigued by。Interested 是有興趣,對某事感興趣是interested in. 因此如果一句話兩個都要用就兩個介繫詞都要提供給對應的動詞。但實際上兩者的意思非常相似,擇一使用即可,不然稍嫌累贅。而前面已經有一次or,但後面兩個or共用動詞get也不是很理想,但口語上這樣使用沒問題。
最後,動詞皆需改成第三人稱因為溫蒂說 "I am not A PERSON WHO..." 所以接下來的主詞已經不是 I,而是a person. 剩餘的句子都在形容這個人是一個怎麼樣的人。
incentive (n.) a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something 做為刺激的好處
影片用句:I think there are things that we say we wouldn’t do, but given the right incentive, we might do.
補充:雖然例句翻譯做「動機」因為在中文語句上比較順暢,但incentive跟motive動機 不太一樣。incentive 是會得到的好處衍伸出的動機。而motive單純指會想做某事的原因。
其他例句:Due to low birth rates, the government is providing subsidies to parents as a form of incentive.
Butcher (v.) ruin something through incompetence 因為沒能力而毀掉某事;嚴重做錯
影片用句:I’m really sorry if I’m butchering her name.
其他例句:Her terrible voice butchered the beautiful song.
Refugee (n.) a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. 逃亡的難民
影片用句:Annie is a Vietnamese refugee who moved to the US.
Refer to sb/sth as (phr. v.) to mention sb/sth in a certain way 稱某人為...;以某種方式提及某人/事/物
影片用句:Sonny refers to her as his wife.
翻譯:Sonny 把稱她為他的妻子。
其他例句:Don’t refer to it as an accident when you clearly did it on purpose.
Decline (v.) refuse 拒絕
影片用句:Her credit card gets declined.
其他例句:She politely declined his invitation to dinner.
Floor it (phr. v.) [slang] to drive as fast as possible [口語] 開車開得非常快
影片用句:She starts the engine and floors it.
Incident (n.) an event or occurrence 事件;問題
影片用句:She died from the incident.
影片用句:The FBI finally arrested her in Glendale, Arizona without incident.
翻譯:FBI終於在亞利桑那州的格蘭岱爾順利逮捕她。 (直譯:沒有任何問題的逮捕她,arrested without incident 是慣用語句。)
Fraudulent (adj.) obtained, done by, or involving criminal deception 詐欺的
影片用句:They went through her credit card but it was a fraudulent credit card.
其他例句:She no longer believed in his fraudulent claims.
Rental (n.) a house or car you don’t own but are paying to use 租用的車或房
rent 是動詞「租」,而rental 原先為形容詞「租來的」,後續衍生變成名詞「租來的東西」,尤其指房子或車
影片用句:She abandoned the car and the car was a rental.
其他例句:His car repair is going to take a few days, so meanwhile, he’s driving a rental.
Convict (v.) declare guilty of a criminal offense 定罪
影片用句:In 2017, she was convicted in Las Vegas of attempted possession of a stolen vehicle.
其他例句:It only took the jury 2 hours to convict him of murder.
Probation (n.) the release of an offender that is subject to a period of good behavior under supervision 緩刑
影片用句:She got probation for that.
翻譯:這件事情她 (得到的處分是) 緩刑。
Violate (v.) to break a rule or formal agreement 違反
影片用句:She violated her probation and she was sentenced to 4 months in jail.
翻譯:她違反了緩刑 (的規則) 並被判入獄4個月。
其他例句:The country’s actions clearly violated the peace treaty.
Mugshot (n.) 嫌疑犯被捕後的臉部照
影片用句:Police released this mugshot of her and asked everyone for information of her whereabouts.
plead 的過去式有兩個用法,pleaded和pled都是可以的。英文當中是否認罪是用「請求」無罪或是「請求」有罪的。
影片用句:She initially pleaded not guilty.
影片用句:So she plead guilty to second degree murder.
Manslaughter (n.) to kill a person without intending to do so 過失致死
影片用句:I guess maybe they wanted to go for manslaughter.
Eligible (adj.) having the right to do something 有資格的
影片用句:She’s going to be in prison for at least 10 years and then she will be eligible for parole.
其他例句:He got out of there as soon as he was eligible for retirement.
補充:eligible 也可以用來形容條件很好的單身男女。例如:He’s the most eligible bachelor in town. 他是這座城市裡條件最好的我單身漢。
Essential (adj.) absolutely necessary 基本的、必需的
影片用句:Why do you need to get your nails done? It’s not essential.
其他例句:Sunlight is essential to life.
Dissect (v.) to cut open and study the internal parts of an animal 解剖
影片用句:Did you guys do that? Dissecting a frog.
Dissect 也衍生有詳細分析、解析一件事的意思。
例句:She was careful about what she said, knowing that her statement would be dissected on the internet.
Allergic (adj.) having a bad reaction ,such as skin or breathing problems, to a particular substance 過敏
影片用句:When you work at a hospital, you might have patients that are allergic to nail polish.
Genuinely (adv.) truthfully 真的
Ludicrous (adj.) ridiculous; extremely foolish or unreasonable 荒謬
影片用句:This crime is genuinely ludicrous.
其他例句:I genuinely appreciate everything you did to help.
in-laws (n.) relatives by marriage, especially the parents of one’s spouse 姻親,尤其指伴侶的父母
影片用句:Her husband is super pissed, and her in-laws are pissed.
Object (v.) to be against something 反對
影片用句:They kept objecting to her being a nurse.
其他例句:Though she disagrees, she did not object.
Livid (adj.) extremely angry 及其憤怒
影片用句:Everyone was very happy for her except for her husband and in-laws, they were fxcking livid.
Turn down (phr. v.) to reject an offer 拒絕
影片用句:They told her that she had to turn down the job.
其他例句:I feel bad turning him down.
Deliberately (adv.) on purpose 故意地
影片用句:He deliberately hid her hand at home and didn’t take it to the hospital.
其他例句:I’m sure he’s just busy and not deliberately ignoring you.
Accomplice (n.) a person who helps another commit a crime 共犯
影片用句:For two days, him, his 2 friends or accomplices, and his parents were all gone.
Dastardly (adj.) [dated] wicked, cruel, and cowardly [過時用詞] 卑鄙的
影片用句:“I can’t let him down because of my husband’s dastardly act.”
翻譯:「我不能因為我丈夫卑鄙的行為而讓他 (父親)失望。」
Retain (v.) to keep something 保留
影片用句:She asked them to help her retain her job.
其他例句:The beauty of the old townhouse is perfectly retained.
Bozo (n.) a stupid or insignificant person 蠢蛋
影片用句:I would not be surprised if these 2 bozos came up with the idea.
Kicker (n.) something surprising (usually unpleasant) 讓人訝異的事
影片用句:The kicker of this is that the family of the 2 accomplices say they are not involved and that they are framed.
翻譯:而這裡讓人訝異的事是2名共犯的家人們說他們 (與案情) 無關而且是被陷害的。
Alibi (n.) evidence that one was elsewhere when a crime was committed 不在場證明
影片用句:Ashraf’s mother even provided him with an alibi.
Perjury (n.) lying in court; to lie under oath or give a false written testimony 偽證
影片用句:What are you trying to do now? Commit perjury?
Exemplary (adj.) (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent 懲戒性的示範
影片用句:Authorities say that Ren requested exemplary punishment for Sher and his friends.
Accountable (adj.) be responsible; expected to justify one’s actions (需)負起責任的
Accountable 單位責任是應該要擔起責任的,而responsible 可以是形容一個人很負責,或是某個人有責任。意思上有些相似但使用方式有落差。
Hold someone accountable 就是追究責任,惟某人是問的意思。
影片用句:She also said that his parents need to be held accountable.
其他例句:She was responsible for those crimes but she was never held accountable.
Aspiration (n.) hope or ambition to achieve something 志願
影片用句:Because they tormented her for her aspirations to be a nurse.
其他例句:He has absolutely no plans or aspirations.
Badger (v.) repeatedly ask someone to do something in a demanding or annoying way 糾纏、打擾
影片用句:The in-laws continued to badger Ren, saying that they want and need more dowry.
其他例句:She badgered him into agreeing to go out with her.
Confiscate (v.) to take someone’s property with authority 沒收
影片用句:They also confiscated bloody bedsheets, clothes, the weapon, and a Tata Sumo.
翻譯:他們也沒收了沾滿血的床單、衣服、凶器和一台Tata Sumo.
其他例句:The teacher confiscated his phone because he was texting in class
Cope with (phr. v.) to deal with; to overcome problems 應付
影片用句:Because of Ren’s condition, they have no idea how she’s going to cope with the work.
翻譯:因為Ren 的狀態,他們完全不知道她將如何應付那些工作。
其他例句:He dropped out because he couldn’t cope with the pressure.
Accordingly (adv.) in a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances 依據的;從而
影片用句:They will see how it goes and adjust her mode of work accordingly later on.
其他例句:This is an important event and I hope you behave accordingly.
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Cherie Aria🧜🏻♀️ 艾雪莉