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黑魔女梅菲瑟 | 經歷過最黑的夜,才能看見最閃耀的星星。

A certain darkness is nedded to see the stars.

黑魔女梅菲瑟 | 你曾經偷走了我的心,然而現在我將永遠失去了你。

You stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever.

黑魔女梅菲瑟 | 愛情不見得都會有好結果。

Love doesn't always end well, Beastie.

庫伊拉 | 自小我就發現,我看世界的方式與眾不同,跟有些人特別格格不入,但我又不是來取悅大家的。

From the very beginning, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else. That didn't sit well with some people. But I wasn't for everyone.

庫伊拉 | 重點是,我天生才華洋溢、帶點邪惡、再加上些許瘋狂。

The thing is, I was born brilliant. Born bad. And a little bit mad.

烏蘇拉 | 一個女人不知道她自己的聲音有多麼有影響力,直到她不能講話。

A woman doesn't know how powerful her voice is until she has been silenced.

烏蘇拉 | 自願犧牲且不求回報,這才是愛,其餘的都只是喜歡。

Voluntary sacrifice without expectation in return, this is love, and the rest is like.

葛索媽媽 | 世界是黑暗、自私、殘酷的。哪怕是最微弱的一縷陽光,也會被摧毀。

The world is dark, and selfish, and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it.


梅崔恩夫人 | 我覺得重要的東西才是重要,其他的我真的不在乎。

I think the important things are important, and I really don’t care about the others.

格琳希爾德皇后 | 我沒有發覺,原來嫉妒使我的內心變得醜陋。

I didn’t realize that jealousy made my heart ugly.

紅心皇后 | 在這裡,你要一直拼命跑,才能保持在同一個位置。如果你想前進,你必須跑得比現在快兩倍才行!


