迎接新的一年 - 2024 電腦桌布整理,Canva 精選 25 款

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2023 年末,準備好迎接 2024 年了嗎?

讓我們用肯定、充滿活力的電腦桌布為自己的生活及工作空間注入新的活力吧!在這裡,我為大家整理了 25 款精選的 2024 年電腦桌布,都是由  Canva 精心製作的。無論是想要直接使用,或者建立整份 2024 桌布的副本,只需點擊相應的連結就可以立即擁有。如果不知道該如何建立副本或下載,歡迎 點此 來詢問。

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01 2024

02 Be proud of your progress

03 still growing still growing

04 trust the process

05 keep going

06 be disciplined and consistent

07 hello lovely - to do/ apps/ work

08 beauty is everywhere

09 Don't just exist, live.

10 When today is over, it will never come back.

11 moon

12 FOCUS - Always focus on doing your work

13 Silent brings an idea to become a great power

14 night

15 Live in the moment

16 Yes, I am.

17 Good things are coming

18 Keep going!

19 Today, I will.

20 believe in yourself

21 believe in yourself you're gonna do big things

22 slow & steady - life is meant to be enjoyed, not rushed. take some time and live.

23 whatever you are - be a good one.

24 Live life to the fullest.

25 + It is time to travel again.

今天的分享就到這邊啦,期待下一篇的分享,祝福大家都有個美好的一天!喜歡窩DEMAA(OS: 就是取自”我的媽啊“的諧音)的朋友,歡迎按讚追蹤分享。讓我們以美麗的桌布裝點我們的工作及生活環境,迎接充滿希望的 2024 年。讓 Canva 為您的新一年增添一份獨特的美好吧!

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