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#手機桌布 #2024年 #手機 #日本 #AI #生活 #自然 #語錄 #風景 #笑臉 #生成 #桌布 #療癒 #靜 #自己 #希望 #色彩 #免費 #下載 #文字 #日常 #smile #相信 #七月 #nature #canva #free #photo #life #ideogram #design #aiart #generateAI #wallpaper #share

嗨,朋友們!七月悄然而至,炎炎夏日正是放鬆心情、享受生活的好時光。為了讓大家在這個夏天擁有更多的希望和期待,我特別透過 Ideogram AI 生成了六款結合色塊及風景的手機桌布,免費提供給大家下載使用。這些桌布各具特色,相信能為你的手機螢幕增添不少色彩和趣味。如果你想親手製作屬於自己的手機桌布,可以點按 Canva 操作教學瞭解教學,發揮你的創意吧!

( ➜ 桌布下載連結 )

01 鴨鴨滑板

Prompt: An iPhone background: A small illustration in the middle bottom. A whimsical and playful illustration of a small, white bird, possibly a duck, riding on a simplistic skateboard. The bird has a cute and quirky expression, with its beak slightly tilted to the left. The skateboard features two wheels and a small tail, adding a touch of humor to the scene. The background is a pristine white, drawing attention to the unique and imaginative scene of the bird and its skateboard., illustration

02 色彩漩渦

03 微笑世界

Prompt: An iPhone background with similar geometric smile abstract people's faces with various haircuts in a most random way with orange dark blue pink green red colors turquoise, poster, illustration, typography

04 畫布山林

Prompt: An iPhone background: A breathtaking watercolor painting capturing the essence of the Alpine mountain range. The mountains are depicted in various shades of blue, purple, and white, with soft brushstrokes that evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility. The sky overhead transitions from a vibrant orange at the horizon to a deep blue at the zenith, with a few wispy clouds scattered throughout. The atmosphere is filled with a peaceful, dreamlike quality that transports the viewer to a remote, serene corner of the world.

05 塵囂煙火

Prompt: A captivating digital painting of an iPhone background, depicting a breathtaking mountain valley teeming with lush green meadows and forests. A winding river gracefully snakes through the picturesque landscape, while in the distance, a Celtic village perched on a hill showcases thatched-roof huts built with small stone walls. Surrounding the village is a tall defensive wall, devoid of merlons, as it stands resolute against the impending invasion of a large group of Roman legionaries. The scene masterfully captures the essence of ancient conflict and cultural clash, contrasting the serene beauty of the valley with the palpable tension of an imminent battle., photo, painting, typography

06 展望未來

Prompt: A captivating iPhone background showcasing a breathtaking aerial view of a bustling city at dawn. The cityscape is illuminated with a myriad of glittering lights, and towering skyscrapers reach towards the sky. The silhouette of a person standing on a rooftop adds a sense of scale and mystery. They are gazing at the magnificent horizon, where the sun is just beginning to rise, casting a warm, golden glow over the entire scene. The overall ambiance is both tranquil and awe-inspiring.

今天的分享就到這邊啦,期待下一篇的分享,祝福大家都有個美好的一天!喜歡窩DEMAA(OS: 就是取自”我的媽啊“的諧音)的朋友,歡迎按讚追蹤分享。別忘了在社群媒體上分享你的新桌布,並加上我們的 hashtag,讓更多人一起享受這份美好。祝福大家在七月擁有一個輕鬆愉快、充滿希望的每一天!另外,窩DEMAA不定期有不同的文章內容分享,快 點此來窩DEMAA網站瀏覽囉!

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