Prompt: Beach Scene: A vibrant beach scene under the bright August sun, clear blue sky, and gentle waves in the background.
02 希望燈塔
Prompt: Seaside Lighthouse: A lone lighthouse standing on a rocky shore, against the backdrop of a clear blue sky and open sea.
03 沙漠露營
Prompt: Bedouin tents in Wadi Rum, weaved from desert tales.
04 星空夜景
Prompt: Meteor Shower: A sunset streaking across a clear night sky filled with stars, with a simple line below.
05 雪景山巒
Prompt: Grand alpine meadows, with wild horses grazing beneath snow-capped peaks.
06 清涼一夏
Prompt: Clear Blue Pool Water: A close-up of the clear, rippling water in a swimming pool, with sunlight reflecting off the surface, giving a refreshing and cool feel perfect for the hot August days.
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