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2025單身即地獄猜我是紐約哪一個大學畢業Fordham University 2020


With a ram! A ram! A ram for victory! Except when it comes to winning an A from the NYC Health Inspector. or most sports. Fordham University 2020 Pizza is good, but love is it! Buffalo Chicken Wraps from the grill were the only delicious food on campus. No class on Wednesdays meant a definite trip to the Bronx Zoo.

清大工學院畢業,在學時修過工業會計、工程經濟、國際經貿法、精實生產與管理等商學院學分,對財務有基礎背景知識。在高科技創業與營運課程中,曾擔任四人團隊中CFO的角色,計畫商業模式與籌資計畫,模擬公司如何在五年內IPO,並實際跟多位創投公司做簡報經驗。畢業後到新加坡工作半年多,協助新加坡國立大學的研究中心的技術商品化,工作內容是商業獲利模式提案與評估行銷預算。在加入專案的過程中發現對財務會計的興趣,想要深入發展這塊領域。工業工程是了解一家公司如何生產運作,而會計是一家公司的營運結果數據,兩者息息相關。非常希望有在會計事務所工作的機會,未來職涯發展希望可以深入產業,規劃財務計畫。I majored in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) in National Tsing Hua University (Hsintsu, Taiwan) during 2010-2014 and received my bachelor degree of the science and also finished the interdisciplinary program in innovation Design Engineering. After the college training, I went to Singapore to gain internship experience. As a research assistant now at the Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments (CUTE) Center in National Singapore University, I conduct user study and redesign of few projects.At Tsing Hua, my learning in Innovation Design Engineering was fruitful with high performance. In product design and development class, I find out that people have become more aware of healthy diet and food allergies nowadays. Therefore, our team aimed to develop utensils that could help analyzing our food and detect the substance. We conducted user studies and reconsidered how to make detectors incorporated into the utensils, such as posting the information to the internet platform to build the feedback system. Potential users could take food safer in their own hands by using our technology.In 2012, I receive the Scholarship for the Taiwan to China summer exchange, and went to Harbin Institute of Technology University. As an independent study, I recorded the customer behaviors and queuing behaviors in the supermarket. From this experience, I learned how the cultural and environmental factors affecting design. The experience affect me most is that I had been to food manufacturing factory in 2013 Lean Production class. I interviewed a machine operator; He had a finger cut off by a machine while using the faulty design. He told me how important the work safety and defensive design are. His words was curved in my mind, I realize that thorough user study and good product design can minimize the negative consequences in the working place.I accessed various companies, APPs development startup and factories to conducted field studies at my college years. I have found that many industries are still using traditional way to run the services when companies conduct market surveys by using telephone interviews and conventional questionnaires to analyze user behaviors. In the entrepreneurship course, I and my three friends try to run a startup company, GivtU. We tried to build an environment or a game which can test the customer behavior by using user friendly interaction, so the client doesn’t have to conduct time-consuming surveys. Furthermore, the decision-makers and designers can get more efficiency and accuracy customer behaviors and preference.To gain practical experience, I worked at CUTE Center at NUS since 2014 summer, I engaged in three programs for searching more about the Interactive Digital Media. I am conducting user study of few projects such as Crowd trails and Digital Taste. Digital Taste enable people to experience taste sensations digitally and arms to promote a healthier lifestyle by replacing unnecessary amount of condiments in our daily consumption. I designed the bottle prototype with function as a hydration. During our showcase at Singapore Art Science Museum, we conducted a larger user. We chose six fixed modes and combinations for testing the participants. From the overall user study results, we may conclude that the prototype is able to improve the drinking experience for a number of users. Applying VC in Singapore now, our challenge is how to customize people taste sensation and create new design for making the simulation more natural.“Not only do the thing right, but also do the right thing” goes one of my favorite sayings.Consequently, I sincerely look forward of the challenge to help fulfill my career plan.https://www.linkedin.com/in/annette-li-an-chiu/

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