PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界




1. 村上春樹《沒有女人的男人們》2014

"Life is strange, isn't it? You can be totally entranced by the glow of something once minute, be willing to sacrifice everything to make it yours, but then a little time passes, or your perspective changes a bit, and all of a sudden you're shocked at how faded it appears." (Murakami, Men without Women 2014)"


2. J.D. 賽林格《麥田捕手》1951

"And besides, even if you did go around saving guys' lives and all, how would you know if you did it because you really wanted to save guys' lives, or because you did it because what you really wanted to do was be a terrific lawyer with everyone slapping you on the back and congratulating you in court when the goddam trial was over..." "How would you know you weren't being a phony? The trouble is, you wouldn't." (Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye 1951)


3. 約翰▪威廉斯《史托納》1965

"He had, in odd ways, given [love] to every moment of his life, and had perhaps given it most fully when he was unaware of his giving." (Williams, Stoner 1965)


4. Dalai Lama 14th and Howard Cutler《The Art of Happiness》1998

"Genuine compassion is based on the rationale that all human beings have an innate desire to be happy and overcome suffering, just like myself." (Dalai Lama 1998)



5. 安妮▪弗蘭克《安妮的日記》1947

" 'Leave me in peace, leave me alone,' that's what I'd like to keep crying out all the time. Who knows, the day may come when I'm left alone more than I would wish!" (Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl 1947)



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