PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界

圖|文 • First of May


First of May

The apple tree that grew for you and me
I watched the apples falling one by one
And I recall the moment of them all
The day I kissed your cheek and you were mine
Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small
And you don't ask the time of day
But you and I, our love will never die
But guess we'll cry come first of May
#泡泡繪 #五月一號 #程予希 #石知田 #王蕾#林克銘 #firstofmay #newpost #illustration #wacom #movie #2020 #轉載請標注 #如果你喜歡這張圖 #歡迎按愛心留言收藏分享給你所有的朋友🌿