質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷2#1 Japanese Gingakogen kolsch

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#豪邁計劃🍷系列二: 心靈糧食
啤酒啊~ 甜中帶點苦澀、抑或是苦澀中帶點甜,陪我渡過了無數個夜晚。


  • Japanese Gingakogen kolsch 日本岩手銀河高原微風科隆啤酒季節限定                 
  • 價格: 69元的樣子 (我有搭配優惠方案,所以忘了到底實際花多少錢)

My best friend is leaving, going back to his country. There's no tears in my eyes, cause I know all our memories are the best, and we'll meet each other soon. However, there's a bitter taste in my mouth, I think that's all the beer we've drank together, who wanna meet you once again before you leave.




#質感生活 #伊始計劃中 #生活 #豪邁計劃 #啤酒 #啤酒泡泡 #苦澀 #長大的滋味 #心靈糧食 #未成年請勿飲酒
