那天距離晚餐時間還有25分鐘,一隻貓咪飢腸轆轆的在客廳宣告大家她必須吃飯的消息。開始使用喵喵叫攻擊(還好完全沒什麼傷害)最後我們使用了講道理戰術給他看時鐘、手機數字、另外搭配手勢,只見他一臉囧的窩了下來,活像顆麻糬或雪球 ( ・ὢ・)//
[Daily Doodle] My sister's tortoiseshell cat—Mainmain 🐈🐟🥫📦
25 minutes before dinner, the cat kept reminding everyone that she should be fed. But no matter how she called or disturbed everyone, we only responded to him "The time has not come yet." At last she gave up struggling, and obediently nestled beside her and waited, like a snowball!
我是 WawaChen,喜愛創作各類型的插畫與塗鴉以及書籍分享。
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