質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷4#5 加拿大啄木鳥冰酒
Peller Estates 2015 Icewine- Cabernet Franc
加拿大啄木鳥冰酒 11.5%
We slowly nursed a bottle of icewine to make it last longer. Trying to melt the iceberg in our heart but only warmed our eyes. We savored this sweet and wonderful drink head in the clouds, and dropped back to the ground. Oh, this is life. We smiled after a sigh.
#質感生活 #伊始計畫中 #豪邁計畫 #系列四 #微醺的幸福 #冰酒 #加拿大 #pellerestates#cabernetfranc#加拿大#啄木鳥冰酒#EC豪邁計劃