PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界



女生來自金星,男生來自火星 🌠

啊~ 就是來自完全不同的星球啦哈哈哈

想法有時候真的是一個北一個南 (沒有什麼對不對,就是想法很不一樣囉)👩🏽👦🏽💙


Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.🌠

I'm sure some of you have hear of this phrase/book.

Yes, guys and girls are very different.

We think in totally different ways (nothing wrong with that)👩🏽👦🏽💙

So this is the girls version 👧🏽😀

For the guy version, please give me some ideas in the comments below.🤪😆👇🏾

可愛的點子是學生跟我上課的時候分享的,是不是超貼切 🤪

Love these ideas my students shared in class. Do you agree? Tell me in the comments below😘

★☆ 6 things girls worry about the most / 女孩最常擔心的六件事 👇⁣

▶ Should I wash my hair today? / 今天該洗頭嗎? (懶)

▷ What should I wear today? / 今天該穿什麼呢?(打開衣櫃完全無頭緒XD)

▶ I'll start losing weight tomorrow. / 我明天再開始減肥~

▷ What should I eat for lunch? / 今天午餐要吃什麼呢?(早上就開始想了XD)

▶ When is my period coming? / 我的月經快來了?

▷ Should I message him? / 我該不該傳訊息給他呢?


↘Comment below and which one is your favorite / 妳最常煩惱是什麼呢?💙🙋↙⁣⁣⁣





❤️🧡喜歡我的圖 歡迎追蹤按讚交流分享喔💛💚💙

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