質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷4#10 萬歲樂加賀梅酒- 五年熟成

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#豪邁計劃🍷系列四: 微醺的幸福  "Ich weiß, sie tranken heimlich Wein/ Und predigten öffentlich Wasser" "我知道的,他們私底下飲酒,卻公開的讚美水" -《德國:一個冬天的童話》海涅與其成為偽善的說一套做一套之人,不如大方承認,微醺所帶來的快樂。 


#10 Manzairaku 5-year-aged Kaga Umeshu
萬歲樂加賀梅酒- 五年熟成 15%


A friend who currently works in Japan came to New York to transit, so we met and hanged out for a bit. It is always good to have someone to accompany you to explore this splendid city, especially with the one who keeps you in his/her heart.
The most touching thing is that he brought this amazing umeshu from Japan for me. I think I only mentioned once or twice that I like umeshu a lot, then guess what, he brought two bottles of umeshu for me as a gift. How lucky am I to have this kind of friend?

友人貼心的記得我喜歡喝梅酒,從日本一路扛了兩罐到紐約給我。感動後覺得回饋的最佳方式,就是把它們喝光光(笑) 而這兩罐梅酒,恰巧的陪伴了我度過2020年春天,尚未回台前、令人焦慮的疫情日子。



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