質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷5#1 rivella- Rhabarber
#1 rivella- Rhabarber
rivella- 大黃口味
瑞士境內的各大火車站、超市都能購買,目前亞洲區好像沒有代理QQ 大家只能未來去歐洲的時候搜尋看看了~
When I go abroad, one thing that I really enjoy is to go grocery shopping and buy something that locals always put in their trolley. And this is what I found this time, famous soft drinks in Switzerland, Rivella💕
Rivella 是一款由牛奶提煉出乳清而製成的碳酸軟性飲料,是瑞士到處都能見到的瑞士國民飲料,有好多種口味~
#rivella #Rhabarber #瑞士 #EC豪邁計劃 #質感生活 #系列五 #今天只想喝氣泡 #瑞士國民飲料