日句 / 愛情篇
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"I want you to know there is someone waiting for you in the world anytime or anyplace, Whatever! You just know the person waits for you. That's all."
『 我要你知道,在這個世界上總有一個人是等著你的,不管在什麼時候,不管在什麼地方,反正你知道,總有這麼個人。』
"I want you to know there is someone waiting for you in the world anytime or anyplace, Whatever! You just know the person waits for you. That's all."
『 我要你知道,在這個世界上總有一個人是等著你的,不管在什麼時候,不管在什麼地方,反正你知道,總有這麼個人。』