PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界



今天要來介紹一隻10歲大的土撥鼠女子 - Pumato,2010年出生的Pumato算是土撥鼠界的大前輩!飼主(馬麻)早在2012年便開始在IG放上Pumato的照片,因此Pumato也算是網美界的大前輩呢!(笑)


★Pumato had been lived in Japan for 4 years , and now she is living in Bangkok for 5 years. Pumato has a cute habit which is sitting on her bed for a while after she wakes up. And her pose likes a boss.


★Pumato is living in Bangkok now with her owner(Mom). Pumato has a bag for her to work with Mom.


★Taking a walk at Mom's office.

◼趣事: 由於喝水時,Pumato的手會懸在空中,加上因為年紀較大,腳沒有以前來的有力氣,因此馬麻特定做了木箱讓牠將小手放在上頭,安心的喝水。

★Pumato is 10 years old now, and her legs & strength are a little powerless, so Mom customized the wooden box for her to stand to drink.


★Pumato and Mom are one of the best model of pets and pet owners. They have been lived together for 10 years , and they are tolerant to each other. It is worthy of emulation! Hope that Pumato and Mom live a happy life~forever.

【同場佳映】Pumato 與白貓的對話

(Communication with the white cat.)

(照片皆來自Pumato的IG : @posetyu ,且經過飼主同意)


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