PopDaily 波波黛莉的異想世界

2024 1025 樹樹:宇宙 Universe


2024 1025 樹樹:宇宙 Universe








『人,這個中文字,很簡單,就2撇,但,也讓我們看出來,當不同的人時,思考方式不同,彼此的距離就會很遙遠,此時就會需要溝通、 協調。』













Translation: October 25, 2024 - Shushu: The Universe

Shushu feels furious at her teammates, whom she describes as "pig teammates," wondering how they can be so indifferent and careless. Shushu can’t understand why, if they lack the will, they don’t choose to leave. Why stay in the company and on the team, making others suffer, impacting the morale of those who work hard, and stealing the achievements of those who put in genuine effort?

Shushu mentioned that she argued with her "pig teammate" coworker before leaving work today, and that other colleagues even urged this coworker to leave as soon as possible. Alas, working together has become so unbearable that both sides must be agonizing during work hours.

Shushu asks, “Why does everything at work need to be monitored? Why are they slacking off like this? Why don’t they just leave the company?” Sometimes, even those involved might not have a clear answer. I know Shushu may not be satisfied with my response, but I think that this situation isn't about who's right or wrong, nor is it something we can simply reason through or determine what the “right way” is.

"The Chinese character for 'person' is simple, made of just two strokes, yet it also reveals that when people differ, the distance in thinking between them can be vast, and that’s when communication and coordination are necessary."

Shushu can't understand why I gave her such an abstract reply. With only a few minutes to talk, what more can I say?

Sometimes, the wrong person in the wrong place grows increasingly resentful due to incompatibility with others; other times, the right person in the wrong place is deceived, bullied, or oppressed. Even the most ambitious and resilient people can have their sharp edges dulled. Life’s issues rarely divide cleanly; even children understand that the world is not just black and white. So, letting go is not necessarily a sign of weakness, and persistence might sometimes be a form of stubbornness.

When is it better to let go? When should one persist? Even deities wouldn’t dare make a call on this, so how could I possibly know? Please, let’s skip these naive questions.

Seeking guidance from the universe for Shushu, I drew the tarot card: The Universe.

The universe wishes to tell the young and ambitious Shushu that this world is vast—so vast that even in a lifetime, we won’t see it all. Beyond Earth lies the universe, whose boundlessness is mysterious and profound beyond human imagination.

The people she finds unappreciative or the issues she faces at work are, in the universe’s eyes, like a grain of sand in the sea—small, weightless, and insignificant.

Shushu is a girl with high standards and aspirations. Her life path is always moving forward, with ambitions that reach higher and further, far beyond what’s right in front of her. She should not let these minor issues wear down her will.

When it's time to part ways, that is the answer from above. However, heaven never tells us who will be the one to leave.




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