韓國網購網站新開幕:Little Shop Korean

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女星必備 人氣商品U領素色短袖上衣現在折扣中


20%Off 折扣碼FAXMDP6G9Z8B

不管是韓劇工作服穿搭還是女明星私底下的街拍都少不了一件夏日質感涼短袖,棉質搭配尼絨質感好且免燙,人氣商品U領素色短袖上衣現在折扣中,從韓國生產仁川進貨。照片上的商品顏色可能與實品有些許差異,更多好看的商品可以點到網站逛更多韓貨直郵。之前小編在紐約讀書工作過幾年,發現韓國的穿搭柔美的穿搭比較適合亞洲女孩子嬌小的體態,最近更在上班空閒成迷於各種韓國偶像劇,因此開始在各大網路通路尋找適合的穿搭物件,用合理價格放到平台,希望給年輕的上班族學生族打造不用出國也能買到質感韓貨。 The editor had studied and worked in New York for a few years before, and found that Korean outfits are more suitable for petite Asian girls. Recently, I have become obsessed with various Korean idol dramas during my spare time at work, so I started to show them on major Internet channels Find suitable items to wear and put them on the platform at a reasonable price, hoping to create high-quality Korean products for young office workers and students without going abroad.


  • 夏日出遊辦公室百搭
  • 100%韓國OUTFITS穿搭

· 衣物第一次清洗建議乾洗,若無洗標之商品請詢問專業洗衣店,並建議清洗後再穿著。· 牛仔褲或是其他深色衣物,建議與其他衣物分開洗滌以避免染色。
