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📍林百貨 Tainan,Taiwan
It’s a popular department store during the Japanese occupation
I imagined we wear cheongsam and shopping in the old building
The elevator is antique,but I heard it was the first elevator in department store at the time🕰
How a quaint place!
If you travel to Tainan,you can visit here~😊
雖然不像現代的百貨專櫃一樣琳瑯滿目 但它可是早期第一座有電梯的百貨公司呢!👏🏻
可以想像自己穿著旗袍在這兒逛街遊走 彷彿穿梭在日治時代的空間氛圍 別有一番風情~
我們喝了双生綠豆沙牛奶~~ 讓人想念的味道!!