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這完全是用世界末日逃難的精神在搶奪這些最後的糧食,噢不是,是Balmain x H&M聯名系列


Balmain x H&M聯名融合經典法式時裝精髓與都會時尚風格,打造出現代感的男女系列設計。平時,大家印相中搶拍賣人潮一定是媽媽類型,或者是動漫迷之類才會出現的場景,有人看過為了時尚,而像蝗蟲過境一樣的景象嗎?為了這些時尚品,有些人可是瘋狂到感覺世界末日又來了!像十一月來台的Balmain x H&M聯名系列就完全讓大家瘋狂了!


台灣的小朋友真的很棒 (覺得粉絲很有才華)

垃圾文界的一位美少年貼上了 2015年11月5日

這是在台灣的景象,整個覺得超像普渡的,而且台灣的秩序還是算很好的喔!來看看其他地區大家就知道Balmain x H&M聯名的魅力。


The "luxury market" has always benefited from selling lower ticket items in bulk over their flagship products… (Porsche sells waaaay more #Cayenne than #911gt2, #Burberry sells way more scarves and gloves than prorsum bespoke, #Hermes sells more belts than birkins etc). What's interesting is the concept of what luxury really is… I think an aspect of luxury is the exclusivity that comes with having a fine tailored good that has taken weeks, months, sometimes years to make. These products might not be readily available, might not come in your size, and usually personalized. I feel (this is my opinion) that when you are trying to capitalize on selling to the masses, you're no longer the purveyors of luxury/exclusivity you're selling a name. I'm all for free market and people should be able to do what they please with their money, as should companies be able to decide what to bring to market. But (at least with higher end goods) I would hope the craftsmanship that goes into a bespoke trench coat from Burberry, for example, is not sacrificed if the brand was to start licensing its name to #tjmaxx…. If the quality did drop below a certain standard I wouldn't be able to associate that brand with superior craftsmanship anymore. But anyway this is a long rant. It's going to be cool to see all the tasseled up Michael Jackson zombie clones rocking #hmbalmaination for a couple of months. #brandomthoughts

Flynupe84(@brandom416)張貼的影片 於 張貼


資料來源: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/

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